Seattle Central Community College Nursing Program Review
Seattle Central Community College (SCCC) is located in Seattle, Washington and located on Capitol Hill. The college has been open since 1966, and it has been home to over 500,000 students. Seattle Central Community College has an open admissions policy and the campus is located close to downtown Seattle and offers programs that are for people from all disciplines in distance learning, college transfer, online courses, basic studies, ESP and evening and weekend courses. The student body at Seattle Central Community College is 10,000 students, which includes 3,000 from over 50 countries.
Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AAS)
The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program at Seattle Central Community College allows students to apply to sit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Examination (NCLEX-RN) upon graduation, which allows them to practice as a licensed Registered Nurse in the state of Washington. The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Program at Seattle Central Community College admits students in the fall quarter only and students study chemistry, anatomy & physiology, microbiology, nutrition, pharmacology and courses in nursing practice. Graduates of the program work in hospitals, long-term care facilities, health clinics, physicians’ offices and a variety of other healthcare environments.
The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing Program at Seattle Central Community College also offers an associate of applied science transfer program (AAS-T), which is a two-year curriculum that is designed for Registered Nurses. The program is composes of clinical practicum and general education courses and upon graduation from the program, individuals can take the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Examination in order to practice as a Registered Nurse in the state of Washington. The program is six quarters and students are admitted in the fall semester only after they have completed prerequisite courses with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA in every class. Students must also have completed the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) with an overall score of 75%.
Individuals applying to the program who have taken nursing courses in the past three years and meet the prerequisites and GPA requirements can apply to enroll in advanced placement into the nursing program. Prior to admission into the Seattle Central Community College nursing program, individuals must submit a letter of intent, copies of prior college transcripts, nursing course content descriptions, a letter of recommendation from the Dean or Director of any prior nursing programs that have been completed. Individuals seeking advanced placement must also complete a placement test and a Lab Skills Check-Off before they will be accepted into the program.
Licensed Practical Nurse – Registered Nurse Transition (LPN to RN Transition)
The Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse Transition program is intended for individuals who already hold a Licensed Practical Nurse licensure and who would like to obtain their Registered Nurse Licensure. Applicants to this program must have completed prerequisites with a 2.5 GPA in each course and then they may enter the program into the second year.
The nursing program at Seattle Central Community College is appovred by the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC).
Seattle Central Community College
1701 Broadway,
Seattle, WA 98122
Phone: (206) 587-3800