Samford University Nursing School Review
Samford University is a Christian University located just outside of Birmingham Alabama. It was originally named Howard College in 1841 when it was first established in Marion Alabama. It is a private university that has a historic relationship with the Alabama Baptist Church. Samford is the largest private university in the state of Alabama.
Samford University Nursing Program Review
The nursing programs at Samford University operate under the name of Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing. The Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing was moved onto Samford University’s facilities in 1988. This university offers four different programs of study in the nursing field covering undergraduate and graduate studies. Students can choose to go to Samford University to study for their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs, Parish Nursing, or the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree (DNP).
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs
The school of nursing at Samford University offers prospective students several different options under the Bachelor of Science (BSN) Nursing Programs. Students can choose to take a traditional set of BSN courses that is designed for the first year college student who does not have a preceding bachelor degree. Another option is for the student to enroll in the five semester Second Degree BSN program. This program is designed for students who have a bachelor degree in another study besides nursing. The other option for prospective students is to take the fifteen month Accelerated Second Degree BSN program, which is also for those who hold a Bachelor degree in another field.
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs
Several different programs are offered to future students under the MSN Program. Students can choose to take the track for Family Nurse Practitioner, which prepares them to take the position in a primary care situation when they successfully complete the national exams for certification. Students may also choose the track of Nurse Anesthesia. This program is designed to spend the 28 month period the program lasts to prepare students to write the national certification exam for nurse anesthesia. Another track students may choose to take is the Nurse Management Program that invites students to participate in creating plans of study for other managers. Yet another program students can choose under the MSN program is the RN to MSN program that allows experienced RNs to go earn a master’s degree within one program in about two years.
Parish Nursing
Under this program, students can choose a special kind of practicing in their nursing career. Parish Nursing allows RNs to go out into the field and work as a mission oriented nurse that helps integrate faith and health, educate the public on health care issues, become a personal analyst for health, an representative that refers patients to where they need to go, a manager who organizes volunteers, support group designer, or a health campaigner. These different positions allow the student to go out and make a difference in the world with their degree while gaining experience and completing the curriculum designed by the International Parish Nurse Resource Center.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Programs
This degree is offered to students as a one year, full time course of study, or a two year, part time, course of study. This program allows for the development of MSN graduates to move into greater leadership positions. Two different tracks are offered under this program. Administration track is available to teach students to improve patient care as well as carry out programs and establish organizations in the health care field. The second track students can choose is the Advanced Practice track. This prepares nurses to operate at the most advanced level of nursing.
Samford University
800 Lakeshore Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35229
(205) 726-2011
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