Alderson Broaddus University Nursing School Review
Alderson Broaddus University (A-B, AB, ABU), until 2013 known as Alderson Broaddus College (ABC), is located in Philippi, West Virginia. It was established 140 years ago and is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) and the West Virginia Baptist Convention.
Individuals who graduate from the nursing programs at this university go on to work in hospitals, community health care facilities, emergency rooms and intensive care units. ABU also offers a School Health Nurse Option, which is approved by the West Virginia Department of Education, and prepares individuals to work as a school health nurse in schools throughout the United States, upon receiving his or her certification. Other specializations offered at Alderson Broaddus University include; Health Care Administration and Business Administration.
The four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (BSN), was the first four-year baccalaureate nursing option in West Virginia, opened in 1945. The ABU nursing programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and have been since 1974. The nursing programs are also approved by the West Virginia State Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses.
Lessons at ABU are conducted in person and combine in-class lectures, laboratory work and clinical practicum, which begins in the sophomore year. The clinical practicum is conducted in hospitals in Morgantown, Clarksburg, Elkins and Weston and students must be able to provide their own transportation in order to be able to complete clinical practice at these varied locations. Barbour also holds clinical practicum in community nursing, home health, school nursing and hospice experience.
Upon completion of the nursing programs, individuals will receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and will be able to apply to sit the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and become licensed as a Registered Nurse. Individuals go on to become nurse practitioners, clinicians, educators, administrators or researchers, with further nursing education. Individuals who already hold certification as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or a Registered Nurse (RN), may enter the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Alderson Broaddus University at an advanced level, after they have submitted transcripts and a clean licensure.
Transfer students, who have completed nursing education at other accredited institutions may also enter the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at an advanced standing, but those individuals must provide all high school and college-level transcripts at the time of application into the program. Alderson Broaddus University will determine at which point an individual can enter the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program.
International Nursing
Alderson Broaddus University also offers experience in international nursing with its partnership with Arellano University in Manila, Philippines. The students who wish to take the International Nursing program option, take their first three years in Manila and the final year is completed at the ABU campus in the United States. Upon completion of the program, individuals must also complete the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse in the United States and continue on to work in the field. Registered Nurses work in various healthcare environments and work as supervisors to Certified Nurse Aides, who are entry-level nursing professionals.
Alderson Broaddus University
101 College Hill Drive,
Philippi, WV 26416-4600
Phone: (800) 263-1549, (304)-457-1700
Bluefield State College Nursing Program Review
Bluefield State College (BSC), located in Bluefield, West Virginia is an historically African American public higher education institution.
The School of Nursing and Allied Health at Bluefield State College offers baccalaureate and associate degrees in nursing. The Licensed Practical Nursing to Registered Nursing program (LPN to RN) admits students in May and the Associate Degree in Nursing Program (ADN) begins in the fall semester.
Licensed Practical Nursing to Registered Nursing Program (LPN to RN)
The Licensed Practical Nursing to Registered Nursing Program at Bluefield State College is intended for individuals who already hold a Licensed Practical Nursing licensure and wish to advance their training to the level of Registered Nurse. The program is accelerated, and individuals must complete prerequisites in math, general psychology, human development and anatomy. The program is composed of a 10 week summer session, as well as four semesters and is composed of 70 hours in total.
Associate Degree in Nursing Program (ADN)
The Associate Degree in Nursing Program at Bluefield State College requires all individuals to be physically strong in order to be admitted. Individuals must be able to lift and carry up to 25 pounds, and be able to push or pull up to 100 pounds frequently and more than 100 pounds occasionally. Individuals must be capable of standing and walking for a large part of the work day and be able to work indoors all day. Applicants must have good interpersonal skills and be able to work in a team setting. Individuals must be able to withstand a high level of stress and be mentally alert and adaptable.
Upon graduation from the Associate Degree in Nursing Program at Bluefield State College, individuals will be able to apply to write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse. Registered Nurses work in a variety of healthcare institutions including; long-term care facilities, nursing homes, physicians’ offices, schools, hospices and many more varied healthcare organizations.
Individuals applying to the Associate Degree in Nursing Program or the Licensed Practical Nursing to Registered Nursing programs at Bluefield State College must hold a high school diploma or GED and must be either a full-time freshman, a transfer student from another accredited institution or a former student of Bluefield State College, who has been out of college for one semester or more. Applicants may also be Special Non-Matriculating students who would like to pursue baccalaureate courses, but does not wish to gain a baccalaureate degree at the present time. Transient students, who wish to take one or more classes at Bluefield State College, while being registered at another college, may also apply to the nursing programs. Finally, Provisional Students may apply, who are students who wish to take nursing courses while still enrolled in high school.
In order to apply to the Associate Degree in Nursing Program at Bluefield State College, individuals must submit all of the prerequisites outlined by the college, as well as a clear criminal background check. Applicants must also submit immunization records that are up to date, as well as any nurse licensure that is already completed. Individuals must also submit a drug screen test when applying. Individuals applying to the Licensed Practical Nursing to Registered Nursing program must show a copy of their unencumbered Licensed Practical Nursing licensure in order to be admitted into the program.
Bluefield State College
219 Rock Street
Bluefield, WV 24701-2198
Phone: 304-327-4000
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College Nursing Program Review
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College (Blue Ridge CTC, BRCTC), located in Martinsburg, West Virginia is state-supported and offers degrees at the associate and certificate levels.
Associate of Science in Nursing Program (ASN)
Upon graduation from the Associate of Science in Nursing Program at Blue Ridge Community and Technical College, individuals can take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). When individuals pass this examination, they can go on to work as a Registered Nurse in a variety of healthcare institutions, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, physicians’ offices, hospices, and many others.
Twenty-four students are admitted to the Associate Degree in Nursing program every semester. Prior to being admitted into the Blue Ridge Community and Technical College’s School of Nursing, individuals must first be accepted into the college as a whole. Students must apply to the nursing program, in order to establish a file and begin admissions testing. The admissions test is the TEAS-V, which must be prepaid before a test date can be set.
Individuals applying to the nursing program must submit official transcripts from all colleges and past nursing programs attended and all prerequisite courses must be completed or students must provide proof of enrollment. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum “C” grade or a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
Individuals applying to the nursing program must submit a criminal background check. Individuals who are not accepted, can apply a second time, and must update their information on their record as it changes. If a student is not accepted on the second round of application, that student will be removed from consideration in the future.
Nursing Scholarships
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College offers scholarships and financial aid for its nursing students. Some of the grants and scholarships offered by Blue Ridge Community and Technical College have specific requirements, such as residency, but others do not require any type of special application measures. Individuals interested in scholarships or financial aid must fill out the appropriate forms and submit them to the nursing office.
Uniforms and Books
Students in the nursing program are required to purchase two sets of the white school uniform, as well as one polo shirt from the company that provides the uniform. Individuals in the program must also own a paid of dressy khaki pants for community activities. White closed shoes are also a requirement. Individuals are also required to own a Nursing Skills Kit, which must be purchased prior to entering the first semester of study.
The kit contains the pertinent tools for the lab and clinical practice components of the program. The kit is available for purchase in the school’s bookstore. Individuals in the program are also required to own a PDA or smartphone and details of hardware and software requirements will be provided during the orientation for the nursing program. Textbooks must be purchased prior to the first semester and can be ordered online. Costs for the initial textbook purchase is roughly $300. Individuals must hold their CPR prior to applying to the program. Courses are offered at the college.
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
13650 Apple Harvest Drive,
Martinsburg, WV 25403
Phone: (304) 260-4380
Davis and Elkins College Nursing Program Review
Davis and Elkins College (D&E), located in the mountains of Elkins, West Virginia was founded by Senator Davis and Senator Elkins. Davis and Elkins College offers over 30 academic programs, and majors include traditional arts and sciences and professional studies including teacher education. Davis and Elkins College also offers pre-professional programs in medicine, dentistry, forestry, the ministry, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and the law.
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
The Associate Degree in Nursing program at Davis and Elkins College allows Licensed Practical Nurses to enter the program with advanced placement. Individuals who graduate from the Associate Degree in Nursing program at Davis and Elkins College go on to apply to write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse in the state of West Virginia.
Individuals who apply to the Associate Degree in Nursing program at Davis and Elkins College must hold a high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and must have completed the college math placement test into FND 112 or greater. Applicants must have an ACT composite score of 20 or an SAT score of 460 in Maths and 500 in Verbal. Applicants must have completed a three-credit chemistry course from an accredited institution with a “C” grade or above within the last five years of applying to the nursing program. Individuals must have completed the Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam with a minimum score of 70% and completed eight hours of college-level Anatomy and Physiology with a minimum “C” grade or above. These admission requirements must also be completed by individuals who hold a GED diploma and transfer students.
Individuals who already hold Licensed Practical Nurse licensure (LPN) must provide proof of the licensure when applying and must also provide two letters of recommendation, one must be from the individual’s most recent health care supervisor or instructor. Licensed Practical Nurses applying to the program must also have a score of 120 or above on the National League of Nursing Comprehensive Exam for Licensed Practical Nurses. If a student is successful at this examination, they will be awarded credits for the following courses; Introduction to Nursing, Nutrition, Anatomy, Physiology, and Life Span Development.
If a student leaves the nursing program at Davis and Elkins College and wishes to be readmitted they must provide transcripts of all academic work, and a medical form completed by a licensed physician. Readmitted individuals must also provide proof of liability and personal health insurance and a completed application form.
The requirements for the nursing degree consist of 72 total semester hours, 48 of which are nursing courses including; Introduction to Nursing, Pharmacology, Disruptions in Mental Health, Nursing Concept Synthesis, Management of Care, Social Problems, Intro to Sociology, and many more.
The nursing programs at Davis and Elkins College are approved by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses and are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC).
Davis and Elkins College
100 College Street,
Elkins, WV 26241
Phone: (304) 637-1900
Fairmont State University Nursing School Review
Fairmont State University (FSU) shares a campus with Pierpont Community and Technical College in Fairmont, West Virginia. Fairmont State University is home to over 4,500 students a year and offers associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees and graduate programs. Fairmont State University has a campus in Clarksburg, the Gaston Caperton Center.
Pre-Nursing Program
In order to be admitted into the Pre-Nursing Program at Fairmont State University, individuals must hold a minimum score in either the ACT, SAT or COMPASS tests. The ACT minimum math score is 19 and the English score is 18. The minimum SAT requirement in math is 460 and 450 in English and the minimum COMPASS math score is 36 and COMPASS English score is 71 in Writing. All prerequisites in English and Math must also be satisfied prior to admission and individuals applying to the Pre-Nursing Program at Fairmont State University must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and must declare Pre-Nursing as their major.
Associate of Science Degree in Nursing (ASN)
The Associate of Science Degree in Nursing program at Fairmont State University is tow years in duration and upon graduation students are able to apply to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) in order to become a Registered Nurse. Registered Nurses work in a variety of healthcare environments including hospitals, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, and many more. Clinical experience in the Associate Degree of Science Nursing Program takes place in Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Doddridge, Lewis, and Harrison counties and students must find their own transportation to all clinical practicum.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (BSN)
Individuals in the Associate Degree Nursing Program, who wish to continue their education to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing to Registered Nurse (BSN to RN) track may apply to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program in the second year of the Associate Degree in Nursing Program. Individuals who wish to continue to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at Fairmont State University, must successfully complete their licensure examination, prior to being admitted into this program.
Licensed Practical Nurse Articulation Program (LPN)
Licensed Practical Nurses who are admitted into the Associate Degree in Nursing Program are able to go forward through the articulation process into the Traditional or Non-Traditional tracks. The Traditional track is geared toward Licensed Practical Nurses who have not been practicing in an acute care environment and can attend day time classes and clinical. The Non-Traditional track is for Licensed Practical Nurses who have already completed general education studies, work in an acute care facility and need to complete courses during the evening or weekend. Fairmont State University also offers a LPN to ASN program, for individuals who hold Licensed Practical Nursing licensure and wish to complete their Registered Nursing licensure, by completing the ASN degree and completing the NCLEX-RN examination.
School Nurse Certification
Several years ago, Fairmont State University began offering a School Nurse Certification program, which is designed for individuals who hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and are licensed as a Registered Nurse to work as a School Nurse. Individuals who wish to complete this certification must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program or already hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and be returning to school in order to obtain the School Nurse Certification. The certification includes a four credit School Nurse Practicum composed of theory and clinical requirements and the clinical component of the program mandates that the student work with a Certified School Nurse in the school system. This certification is available as an online option as well.
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
The Master of Science in Nursing at Fairmont State University is offered in collaboration with the College of Nursing and Health Professions at Marshall University, in Huntington, West Virginia. The two tracks available at the master’s level include; Nursing Education and Nursing Administration. Individuals applying to the Master of Science in Nursing program at Fairmont State University must hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in order to apply.
International Program
Fairmont State University has partnered with various South Korean universities and has developed global exchange programs for nursing students through Ansan University and Namseoul University. Woosong University School of Nursing in Korea is next in line for a potential partnership with Fairmont State University. The global exchange program is two weeks in duration, and individuals are fully immersed in the culture and profession of nursing in South Korea.
Fairmont State University
1201 Locust Avenue,
Fairmont, WV 26554
Tel: 304-367-4892 / Toll Free: 1-800-641-5678
Marshall University Nursing School Review
Marshall University (MU), located in Huntington, West Virginia, and founded in 1926 is home to over 14,000 students from 46 states and 52 foreign countries.
The Nursing programs offered at St. Mary’s School of Nursing at Marshall University include an Associate of Science Degree in Nursing (ASN), a Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse Bridge (LPN to RN), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN), with an option for Registered Nurses (RN to BSN).
The Associate of Science in Nursing degree is two years in duration and two classes are admitted every year in the Fall and Winter semesters. In order to apply to the nursing programs at St. Mary’s School of Nursing at Marshall University, individuals must hold a high school GPA of 3.0 or above and a minimum ACT composite score of 21. Applicants must hold a “C” grade at minimum in any college courses already taken and must hold a high school diploma or GED. Applicants must hold a minimum “C” grade on any non-nursing courses completed with a minimum 2.0 QPA on all college work attempted at Marshall University with a minimum 2.0 QPA on all college work completed in general.
The nursing programs at Marshall University are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Clinical practice experience is conducted at St. Mary’s Medical Center, Cabell Huntington Hospital, Mildred Mitchell Bateman Hospital, Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, Mariner Health Care Center, Woodlands Retirement Center and a variety of physician offices and community-based health care facilities.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Marshall University prepares graduates to work in a variety of healthcare institutions including hospitals, physicians’ offices, long-term care facilities, hospices and many other healthcare environments. Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Marshall University go on to apply to write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become a licensed Registered Nurse. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program includes clinical practicum at a variety of healthcare institutions including; Cabell Huntington Hospital, River Park Hospital, St. Mary’s Medical Center, Veterans Administration Medical Center, HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital, King’s Daughters Medical Center (Ashland, Kentucky), Pleasant Valley Hospital (Point Pleasant, WV), Holzer Medical Center (Gallipolis, OH) and others. Students can also take their clinical practicum at doctors’ offices, schools, and various other healthcare establishments.
Master of Science in Nursing Programs (MSN)
Marshall University offers a variety of specializations in the Master of Science in Nursing Program including; Family Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Administration, Nursing Education and Nurse-Midwifery. Individuals applying to any of the Master of Science in Nursing specializations at Marshall College must hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in order to apply. Applicants must show their nursing licensure, as well as transcripts from accredited institutions prior to being admitted into the Master of Science in Nursing program at Marshall University. Individuals will also be asked to submit immunization records and CPR certification, prior to enrollment into any of the nursing programs at Marshall University.
Marshall University
1 John Marshall Drive,
Huntington, WV 25755
Phone: (304) 696-3170
Mountain State University Nursing School Review
Mountain State University (MSU) is located in southern West Virginia, and is a private institution that was founded in 1933. Originally named, Beckley College, Mountain State University opened with 97 students and lectures were conducted in a local church. The enrollment at Mountain State University increased steadily as time went on, and have changed considerably in the last 20 years, going from a two-year college to a four-year college, which includes master’s level programs and most recently, doctorate programs. Mountain State University was coined in 2001 and is now home to programs in humanities, arts and sciences.
Mountain State University’s main campus is in Beckley, West Virginia, however, the college conducts programs via distance learning online, as well as a variety of other campuses. Mountain State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program for individuals who already hold a Registered Nurse (RN) licensure, as well as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), which is offered via clinical or administration/education concentrations.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (BSN)
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at Mountain State University combines general studies courses with humanities and social science courses. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is formed of a combination of in-class lectures and clinical practice, which takes place in hospitals, clinics, nursing home, long-term care facilities and physicians’ offices. This clinical training provides graduates with real life experience, in order to be successful members of the nursing profession upon graduation. Upon completion of the program, Registered Nurses can go on to work in a variety of health care environments. Mountain State University also offers a Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) stream, for individuals who already hold RN licensure and wish to complete baccalaureate education.
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
The Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University is available at Beckley, Martinsburg, and Orlando campuses through the School of Nursing. Upon graduation, individuals will hold a Master of Science in Nursing degree, which will allow them to work in advanced standing in the profession of nursing. The Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University allows individuals to go on to progress in their nursing education by completing a doctoral degree eventually, or to go on and work in advanced standing in the nursing profession, thus advancing their skill set and knowledge base.
The Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University allows students to continue to work full-time or part-time while completing studies, since the classes are offered weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. Students can register as they have time available, and complete the degree on their own time. Individuals are also able to take courses during the day or at night, depending on their personal and employment schedule. The Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University offers two concentrations; Nursing Administration and Education and Family Nurse Practitioner. Individuals must choose which stream they would like to enter prior to applying to the Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University.
The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) stream of the Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University is for individuals who are interested in working in a clinical environment as well as in an environment where research and leadership are key. The graduate certificate program in Family Nurse Practitioner is available for individuals who already hold a Master of Science in Nursing degree.
The Nursing Administration and Education stream of the Master of Science in Nursing program is intended for individuals who wish to become top or mid-level leaders at various health care organizations, as well as teachers in educational environments. Upon graduation from the Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Administration and Education stream, individuals are readily prepared for a high-level career in nursing.
The Master of Science in Nursing program at Mountain State University is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission of Atlanta, Georgia.
Mountain State University
410 Neville Street
Beckley, WV 25801
Phone: (866)-367-6781
Reynolds Memorial Hospital Nursing Program Review
Reynolds Memorial Hospital (RMH) is located in Glen Dale, West Virginia and began as God’s Providence Home, which was an old farmhouse converted into an infirmary by B.M. Spurr, Archdeacon of the West Virginia Episcopal Diocese. The facility as it is today, was built in 1963 and is continually being added to and refurbished. Reynolds Memorial Hospital is licensed by the West Virginia State Health Department and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
The hospital is also a member of the Voluntary Hospital Association, Inc., the American Hospital Association and the West Virginia Hospital Association. The hospital conducts the B.M. Spurr School of Practical Nursing.
B.M. Spurr School of Practical Nursing (LPN)
The B.M. Spurr School of Practical Nursing is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission and the West Virginia State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nursing. Upon graduation from the Practical Nursing (LPN) program at the B.M. Spurr School of Nursing, individuals can go on to apply to write the State Licensed Practical Nurse Examination, which allows successful individuals to go on and work as a Practical Nurse in a variety of healthcare environments including hospitals, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, hospices, physicians’ offices and many more. Practical Nurses are required to practice under the direction of a Registered Nurse (RN), licensed physician or a licensed dentist.
Individuals applying to the B.M. Spurr School of Practical Nursing are required to submit an application form, which includes information on GED and/or high school GPA scores, as well as an outline of course prerequisites. Individuals applying to the Practical Nursing program, must also include information on any previous nursing education, as well as state their GPA at that nursing program and their reason for leaving. Applicants must also provide a name and contact information for three individuals who are able to provide a personal reference, who have known the applicant in a supervisory capacity, such as teachers, employers, supervisors or counselors. Individuals are not permitted to include friends or family members as personal references.
The application form also includes a section where applicants must outline why they are interested in a career in practical nursing, as well as a description of hobbies and activities that the applicant enjoys. Applicants must also outline future plans, and education and career interests that they have for the future. Individuals applying to the B.M. Spurr School of Practical Nursing must also submit to a criminal background check, and provide updated immunization records. The Practical Nursing program at the B.M. School of Practical Nursing is one year in duration.
The application form for the Reynolds Memorial Hospital, B.M. Spurr School of Practical Nursing is available online through the hospitals website and applications can be made for a fee. If applicants have attended previous colleges, transcripts must be handed in with the application. Individuals applying to the Practical Nursing program must also answer questions regarding financial aid requirements (if any), reasons he or she is interested in a career in practical nursing, activities and hobbies he or she enjoys and future plans.
Reynolds Memorial Hospital
800 Wheeling Avenue,
Glen Dale, WV 26038
Phone: (304) 845-3211
Shepherd University Nursing School Review
Shepherd University is located in Shepherdstown, West Virginia and was established over 130 years ago. Shepherd University offers a variety of baccalaureate degrees including those in liberal arts, business administration, teacher education, and social and natural sciences, including nursing. Shepherd University also provides individuals with the option of taking certificate courses, rather than pursuing full degrees. Individuals do not have to attend courses at the Shepherd University campus in Shepherdstown, West Virginia; they can also attend courses online via distance studies. This allows more individuals to study through Shepherd University.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (BSN) and Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Track (RN to BSN)
Shepherd University offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program for individuals who already hold a Registered Nursing licensure (BSN to RN). The Registered Nursing track is intended for individuals who wish to complete their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree on a full-time or part-time basis. Individuals must hold previous experience in nursing in order to be admitted to this program and this is determined based on the individual nurses portfolio, which is assessed at the commencement of the application process. Shepherd University also offers a generic baccalaureate program for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (BSN), which derives the exact same outcome as the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program stream.
Upon acceptance of an individual’s application to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Shepherd University, individuals will be sent an information package, with instructions on how to begin their application at the Department of Nursing at Shepherd University. The outline and handbook provides applicants with a checklist of requirements and deadlines as well as information on how to progress.
Prior to being accepted into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at Shepherd University, individuals must complete health insurance requirements, health data, immunization records and CPR certification. Individuals will not be admitted into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program without the aforementioned credentials. When being entered into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Shepherd University, individuals must complete the Health Requirements Verification, which must be uploaded to the Immunization Tracker. Individuals must have their physician or nurse practitioner sign the document prior to being uploaded. Individuals must also submit to a physical examination and immunization verification prior to being accepted into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Shepherd University.
Individuals applying to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program must also provide both sides of their CPR Certification, and the only accepted certification in the American Heart Association Healthcare Provider course. Prior to being admitted into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, individuals must also submit a criminal background check, and a fingerprint card will be mailed to the residence of the applicant. Individuals applying to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must also provide Professional Liability Insurance for Nursing Students, which is required prior to beginning the program at Shepherd University. The fee for the insurance must be paid annually.
In order to progress through the nursing program at Shepherd University, individuals must take the Assessment Technologies Inc. achievement tests. This test requires a fee and at the end of the program the test will be administered in order to gauge the students ability to take the NCLEX examination in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse. Individuals must pay these fees prior to the start of testing.
Prior to the commencement of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at Shepherd University, individuals are given a Student Handbook and Policy Manual, which individuals must review prior to the beginning of the nursing program.
Shepherd University
301 N King Street,
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Phone: (304) 876-5000
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College Nursing Program Review
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College (SWVCTC) was established in 1971 in Saulsville, West Virginia. The community college was established due to a consolidation of two branches of Marshall University, located in Mingo and Logan Counties. The original Williamson Campus building was built in 1971 and new facilities have been constructed as the years have progressed. In 2007, a building was constructed, which is connected to the Lincoln County Comprehensive High School and is the first of its kind. In 2008, individuals were ushered into a 55,000 square foot Allied Health and Technology Center on the Logan Campus and currently plans are being completed for a technology facility to the campus in Williamson and the National Guard Armory Building.
SWVCTC has developed relationships with education institutions, including universities and private colleges, in order to provide opportunities for individuals who would like to complete associate degrees. Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College has agreements with these educational institutions across the state of West Virginia and the United States, and education is available through campus lectures, clinical practicum and distance learning online.
Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS)
The Associate in Applied Science Degree at SWVCTC is intended for individuals who wish to become licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN). The individuals studying in the Associate in Applied Science Degree at Southern West Virginia Community College learns to be a provider or care, manager of care and a member within the nursing discipline. The nursing program is conducted at the Logan Campus, however the Boone/Lincoln, Williamson, and Wyoming/McDowell campuses offer the program support courses as well.
In order to complete the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing, individuals must complete the courses with a “C” minimum. The Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing program must be completed within four years of admission. If an individual does not complete the program in four years, he or she will be dismissed from the program. If an individual wishes to be re-admitted into the nursing program, he or she must re-apply to the program and do so under new requirements if there are any.
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) who are enrolled in the nursing program, hold a current and valid Licensed Practical Nursing licensure and provide a copy of their Licensed Practical Nursing Licensure can get the Nursing 100 articulated credit prior to the program commencement. Individuals who hold a Licensed Practical Nursing licensure may challenge the Nursing 104 and Nursing 107 prerequisite courses, but must pay for the cost of the challenge examination on their own.
Individuals applying to the Associate in Applied Science Degree program at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College may need to sit a competency examination in courses in order to progress through the curriculum.
Individuals who complete the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing program at SWVCTC, can go on to apply to write the NCLEX-RN examination in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse in the state of West Virginia. Registered Nurses work in a variety of healthcare environments, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, physicians’ offices and several other healthcare environments. Individuals who complete an Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing, often go on to complete additional degrees in nursing.
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College
128 College Drive,
Saulsville, WV 25876
United States
Phone: (304) 294-2001
St. Mary’s School of Nursing Program Review
St. Mary’s Hospital, located in Huntington, West Virginia, is the largest medical center in Huntington. The teaching facility at St. Mary’s Medical Center (SMMC) is associated with the Joan C. Edwards Marshall University School of Medicine and trains students in a variety of specialties in the medical profession. St. Mary’s School of Nursing is located on the hospital grounds and is associated with Marshall University.
The St. Mary’s School of Nursing (SMSN) was founded in 1926 and is the oldest program in West Virginia. St. Mary’s School of Nursing has graduated over 3,000 individuals.
Upon graduation from Saint Mary’s School of Nursing, individuals become Registered Nurses. The Cooperative Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) Program at St. Mary’s School of Nursing is conducted through a partnership between St. Mary’s Hospital and Marshall University. The Associate of Science in Nursing Program is two academic years in duration and the final degree obtained by the graduate is the Associate of Science in Nursing from Marshall University. Individuals can apply to the Associate of Science in Nursing program twice every year, once in August and again in January.
In order to apply from high school, individuals must hold a high school GPA of 3.00 and a minimum ACT Composite score of 21, as well as a minimum “C” grade on any college course already completed. Individuals applying to the Associate of Science in Nursing program, who already hold at least 12 college credits must hold a high school diploma or GED and must also hold a minimum of a “C” on any non-nursing courses that the individuals has already completed. Individuals applying with college credits must also hold a minimum of 2.00 QPA on all college work that he or she has undertaken at Marshall University. Individuals must also hold a minimum overall 2.00 QPA on all college work completed.
The program costs vary, depending on if the student is located in-state or in the metropolitan area. Tuition for in-state students, which includes fees, textbooks, and uniforms is over $13,000. Tuition for students in the metro area is over $16,000 with the same inclusions.
It is recommended that individuals applying to the St. Marys School of Nursing from high school have taken the college prep track, as well as English, Science, Math, and Social Studies.The Associate of Science in Nursing degree at St. Mary’s School of Nursing is accredited by the West Virginia Board of Examiners in Charleston, West Virginia and is nationally accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission in Atlanta, Georgia. Individuals enrolled in the Associate of Science in Nursing degree at St. Mary’s School of Nursing must take non-nursing courses including; Anatomy, Chemistry, Microbiology, Nutrition, English, Physiology and Psychology. Nursing courses at St. Mary’s School of Nursing include; Fundamentals of Nursing, Health Alteration, Psychiatric Nursing, Maternal-Child Nursing and Academic Success for the Associate of Science in Nursng Student.
The Associate of Science in Nursing program combines in-class lectures and clinical practicum. Clinical practicum is included in all nursing courses at St. Mary’s School of Nursing and can be completed at a variety of hospitals and medical centers in the area including; St. Mary’s Medical Center, Cabell Huntington Hospital, Midred Mitchell Bateman Hospital, Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, Mariner Health Care Center, Woodlands Retirement Center and various physicians offices and health care facilities in the local community.
St. Mary’s School of Nursing
2900 First Avenue
Huntington, WV 25702
Phone: 304-526-1234
University of Charleston Nursing School Review
The University of Charleston (UC, UCWV), located in Charleston, West Virginia, is home to over 1,300 full-time students and offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs. The University of Charleston is one of 12 colleges nationally chosen as a model for first-year experience and has an alumni base of 14,000 people. Besides the Charleston campus, there are campuses in Martinsburg and Beckley; together with courses offered online.
The University of Charleston was founded by the Southern Methodist church in 1888 and became a college a year later. In 1901, it was named Morris Harvey College, in honor of its foremost donor. The college moved to Charleston to have access to a greater student base and became Morris Harvey College in 1942, as it disassociated itself from the church. In 1978, the Board of Trustees changed the name from Morris Harvey College to the University of Charleston.
The Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Charleston is home to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (BSN) and the Associate Degree in Nursing program (ADN).
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
The Associate Degree in Nursing program is two academic years of study and the eventual degree obtained by the graduate is an Associate in Arts degree. After completing all of the curriculum, the graduate of the program is able to apply to write the West Virginia State Board of Examiners of Registered Professional Nurses examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN). After obtaining Registered Nurse licensure, individuals can go on to work in a variety of healthcare environments including hospitals, physicians offices, long-term care facilities and more. Individuals who complete the Associate in Arts in Nursing degree, often go on to complete the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at the University of Charleston.
In order to be admitted into the Associate Degree in Nursing program at the University of Charleston, individuals must meet general admission requirements. Admission is competitive, and individuals must submit their cumulative GPA, ACT or SAT scores if they are a recent high school graduate and the number of credit hours completed if they have previously attended a college program. Individuals must also submit his or her nursing entrance test scores for admission to the Associate Degree in Nursing program at the University of Charleston. Individuals applying to the Associate Degree in Nursing program, who are recent high school graduates must hold a minimum of a 2.75 GPA on the 4.0 scale in all academic subjects taken on the secondary level. Individuals must have completed two levels of high school math as well. Individuals applying from high school must have a composite score of 21 or above on ACT test or total score of 1000 or above on the SAT test. If an individual does not have all of these requirements, the individual will be considered for admission again after completing 12 or more college credit hours with a 2.75 GPA or above.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at the University of Charleston is intended for individuals who wish to complete baccalaureate education in nursing. Upon graduation from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, individuals are able to go on write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse. Individuals must first be accepted into the University of Charleston, prior to being admitted in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Applications for the program are reviewed using the point scale weighing GPA, course work, and TEAS scores when there is a high volume of applicants.
In order to apply to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at the University of Charleston, individuals must submit a copy of a University of Charleston Program Evaluation or a transcript that shows the individual holds a GPA of 2.75 or above. Individuals must also submit a TEAS score and a copy of their CPR certification as well as a copy of their current negative PPD tuberculosis test results or chest x-ray results. Applicants must also submit immunization records. Finally, individuals applying to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must also submiy a copy of a certified background check, a copy of current flu vaccination documentation and a letter of good standing and transcripts of course work and standardized testing if an individual is interested in transferring from another nursing program.
University of Charleston
2300 Maccorkle Avenue Southeast,
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (800) 995-4682
West Liberty University Nursing School Review
West Liberty University (WLU) is located in West Liberty, West Virginia and is West Virginia’s oldest higher education university. West Liberty University was established in 1837 and provides programs at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels. West Liberty University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
West Liberty University is home to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree for high school graduates. The university is also home to a Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) degree track, for individuals who already hold their Registered Nurse licensure and wish to obtain a baccalaureate degree. Upon graduation from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at West Liberty University, individuals can go on to write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse. After successfully completing the examination, individuals go on to work in a variety of healthcare environments as a Registered Nurse, including; physicians’ offices, hospitals, long-term care facilities, hospices and many more. Many individuals practice as Registered Nurses for some time, and then go on to complete additional education at a master’s level.
Individuals interested in applying to the West Liberty University nursing programs, must first apply to West Liberty University and be accepted there, before being able to declare their major as nursing. Individuals must submit their high school transcript and ACT or SAT scores to the Admissions Office for entry into the program. Individuals must then use their freshman year, in order to complete prerequisites for the nursing program. After prerequisites are completed, individuals can go on to apply to the nursing program for admission. Individuals must hold a 2.8 GPA minimum of 28 college credit hours, in order to be admitted into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
In order to be admitted into the WLU BSN program, individuals must complete a variety of health requirements. Immunizations records must be submitted before clinical rotations begin and the records must come from the student’s physician. Individuals must also submit to an annual Tuberculosis testing and follow-up before clinical practicum begins.
Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (RN to BSN)
The Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program is intended for Registered Nurses who wish to pursue undergraduate education. The accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is offered on one weekday, evening course or online, as it is intended for Registered Nurses who are currently employed and wish to fit education into their already busy lifestyle. If a Registered Nurse is enrolled in the program full-time, the program can be completed in three semesters. Registered Nurses may be able to obtain a certain number of credits based on life experience and work experience and this is determined when the applicant meets with a Nursing faculty member to review course plans. If the Registered Nurse is a graduate of an associate degree program, 72 credits from accredited two-year colleges can be transferred to West Liberty University’s Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
West Liberty University’s Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is fully accredited and courses are offered online and on-campus. The Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at West Liberty University admits students on a rolling basis.
West Liberty University
208 University Drive
College Union Box 101
West Liberty, WV 26074
Phone: 304-336-8076
West Virginia Northern Community College Nursing Program Review
West Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) is located in Wheeling, West Virginia and was established in 1972 by the West Virginia Board of Regents. West Virginia Northern Community College is coeducational and is made of three campuses, which all host two-year community college programs. The programs at West Virginia Northern Community College include liberal arts, career-technical and community and continuing education. Most admissions are on a rolling basis, therefore students can apply at any time throughout the year.
West Virginia Northern Community College offers an Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS) via general admission as well as a transition option for individuals who are already Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN to ADN). The Associate in Applied Science Degree is available through West Virginia Northern Community College’s Wheeling, Weirton and New Martinsville campuses and all of the campuses have nursing advisors that can speak to potential applicants and discuss options for education in nursing.
West Virginia Northern Community College’s Associate in Applied Science Degree prepares graduates to be able to apply to write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed to work as a Registered Nurse (RN). Registered Nurses work in a variety of healthcare environments, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools, businesses, hospices, physicians’ offices and a variety of other healthcare establishments. West Virginia Northern Community College makes it clear that individuals who work as Registered Nurses need to be able to stand for long periods of time, and be able to lift fifty pounds without difficulty and move quickly in order to best respond to emergencies.Registered Nurses are often required to work on weekends and overnight, so individuals applying to the Associate in Applied Science degree at West Virginia Northern Community College should understand this and be ready to commit to this type of lifestyle when he or she becomes as Registered Nurse.
The Associate in Applied Science degree at West Virginia Northern Community College is composed of a combination of classroom instruction and clinical practice. Individuals registered in the Associate of Applied Science degree take courses in biological and behavioral sciences, as well as liberal arts and obviously nursing courses. The program is only available on a full-time basis and must be completed within two years. Individuals that apply to the Associate of Applied Science degree at West Virginia Northern Community College must submit to a drug screening, criminal background check and submit the application directly to West Virginia Northern Community College. Upon completion of the National Council Licensure Examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse, individuals must apply to their selected state in order to be able to be licensed to practice as a Registered Nurse.
Prior to the criminal background check, individuals who have ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, must identify this to the State or National credentialing boards. This may cause an individual to be denied entry to the nursing program at West Virginia Northern Community College. Individuals applying to the Associate in Applied Science degree must first be certified as a Nurse Aide, in order to be admitted into the program at West Virginia Northern Community College.
West Virginia Northern Community College
Wheeling Campus
1704 Market Street,
Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: 304-233-5900
Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College Nursing Program Review
Established in 1953, and located in Institute, West Virginia, Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College (KVCTC), was formerly known as West Virginia State Community and Technical College. The school offers a variety of degrees and certificates as well as continuing education, employee education, and transfer degrees. Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College are based in Institute on the West Virginia State University campus in the Cole Complex.
Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College offer twenty-two associate degree programs and eleven certificate programs. Twelve collaborative degree programs and several certificates are also available at KVCTC. There are also a variety of credit and non-credit training options for business and industry employees through the Workforce and Economic Development Division at Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College. There are several off-campus training sites available in the regions of Kanawha, Putnam, and Clay counties.
Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College offer an Associate of Applied Science degree in nursing (AAS), as well as a transition track for Licensed Practical Nurses to study to become Registered Nurses (LPN to RN). The nursing programs at Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College are fully accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. and the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses since 2007.
In order to apply to the nursing programs at Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College, individuals must hold a high school diploma or GED and must submit a transcript as proof of their studies. Individuals who are not seeking a degree are also able to apply to the nursing programs at Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College, however, those individuals must apply as non-degree seeking students. Those individuals must submit a completed application form to the Student Services Admissions Office. If a student who is registered as non-degree wishes to change his or her status from non-degree to degree or certificate program, the individuals must submit the necessary forms to the Office of Student Services in order to change this status. At this point, the individual must complete the degree-seeking admission requirements for this change.
Individuals who have not yet completed high school may apply to Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College programs however, they must submit the following requirements; complete the consent form signed by his or her high school principal or counselor and parent, must have a 3.0 GPA at minimum, and Juniors can only take four credit hours per semester. Seniors can enroll for no more than seven credit hours per semester unless the Dean for Academic Affairs approves otherwise. Before registering for college-level English and/or math courses, these early application students must meet the prerequisite test scores necessary for the nursing programs at Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College.
For pre-nursing information or information on the Allied Health programs at Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College in general, individuals can contact 304-204-4043 for more information.
Kanawha Valley Community and Technical College
2001 Union Carbide Drive,
S. Charleston, WV 25303
United States
Phone: (304) 766-3118
West Virginia University Nursing School Review
West Virginia University (WVU), founded in 1862 as an agricultural college, is the flagship member of the West Virginia higher education system. The school enrolls nearly 30,000 students each year, and offers a wide variety of programs at the baccalaureate level, master’s level, and doctoral level. Since the 1960s, when its baccalaureate nursing program was established, WVU has included undergraduate nursing education among its program offerings. In the 1980s, it added graduate-level nursing courses.
Now, nurses and prospective nurses can pursue bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees through WVU’s School of Nursing. All the nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
WVU offers the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program in several different locations. Students can complete it on the main campus in Morgantown or at WVU Institute of Technology in Montgomery. Alternatively, a student can complete the first year of the program at Potomac State and transfer to WVU in Morgantown for the next three years, or he can complete the first two years at Glenville State College and transfer to WVU Tech in Montgomery for the remaining two years. The curriculum for the BSN program is the same, regardless of which location the student chooses. In total, a BSN student must earn 128 credits, which requires four years of full-time study. A BSN student may apply for admission to the program in the fall or spring semester. After completing the BSN program, a student is eligible to take the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts to BSN
The Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts (BS/BA) to BSN program provides a way for students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree to complete a BSN degree. Before enrolling in this program, however, a student must complete the following prerequisites: English 101 and 102, biology, chemistry, human physiology, human anatomy, microbiology, statistics, introductory psychology, introductory sociology or anthropology, developmental psychology, human nutrition, and college algebra. Once enrolled in the BS/BA to BSN program, a student must study on a full-time basis for five semesters to complete the program requirements. In total, she must earn sixty-four nursing credits. The BS/BA to BSN program is only available on WVU’s Morgantown campus, and it begins in the spring semester.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – RN to BSN
A Registered Nurse (RN) who has completed an associate degree or diploma nursing program can enroll in the RN to BSN track in order to complete his baccalaureate degree. WVU’s RN to BSN program is available online, although students do need to travel to campus occasionally for advising and other matters. Students in the RN to BSN program can go to Morgantown, Charleston, or Montgomery for these required sessions. The rest of the coursework can be completed via distance learning technology. Clinical rotations are included in the program, but students can schedule these in a location that is convenient. On a full-time basis, an RN can complete the RN to BSN program in just three semesters. Part-time study is also an option, however. This will require six semesters. In total, an RN needs to complete twenty-eight nursing credits, as well as any missing general education courses, in order to earn his BSN. An RN can begin the RN to BSN program in the fall, spring, or summer.
Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Nursing – RN to BSN/MSN
Through the RN to BSN/Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program, a graduate of an associate degree nursing or diploma nursing program can progress smoothly through her BSN degree into the coursework for an MSN degree. WVU’s program is designed so that an RN can complete both degrees in eight semesters of full-time study. The RN in this program can continue working, since the coursework is available online. Students only need to travel to campus occasionally; when necessary, they may come to either Morgantown or Charleston. A student in the RN to BSN/MSN program will spend the first three semesters completing the required coursework for her BSN degree (twenty-eight credits), and the last five semesters completing coursework for her MSN degree in her chosen area of specialization (forty-four credits).WVU offers five tracks in its MSN program: Family Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and Nursing Leadership. An RN can begin the BSN portion of the program in the fall, spring, or summer, but must start the MSN coursework in the fall.
Master of Science in Nursing
WVU’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program trains nurses for advanced practice certification. In order to give students as much flexibility as possible, WVU offers the coursework for the MSN program online. Students only need to come to campus two or three times a semester for advising. When they do have to travel to campus, they can go to either Morgantown or Charleston. Clinical rotations are a required part of the MSN program. On a full-time basis, a student in the MSN program can complete the course requirements in five semesters (which includes one summer semester). On a part-time basis, a nurse will need to study for eight semesters (including two summer semesters) to complete his MSN degree. Regardless of whether he chooses to enroll in the MSN program full-time or part-time, he must start in the fall semester. Over the course of the program, he must take both core graduate nursing courses and courses in his chosen area of emphasis. Regardless of his chosen area of focus, he must earn forty-four credits. WVU offers five different tracks in its MSN program:
Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP)
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP)
Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP)
Nursing Leadership
Post-master’s Certification
The post-master’s certification program is open to nurses who have already completed an MSN degree. Through the post-master’s certification program, they are able to complete the coursework required to sit for another graduate-level certification exam without repeating any courses unnecessarily. Nurses on this track do not need to take core graduate nursing classes; they only need to complete the coursework for their area of focus. All of the tracks of the MSN program are available as post-master’s certification tracks. An MSN-prepared nurse can pursue certification as an FNP (nineteen credits), as a PNP (nineteen credits), as an NNP (twenty-five credits), as an WHNP (seventeen credits), and in Nursing Leadership (twenty-two credits). In addition WVU offers a post-master’s certification track that is not available as an MSN track: Geriatric Nurse Practitioner (GNP). To become a GNP, a nurse must earn twenty-one credits. The classes for the post-master’s certification program begin in the summer and can be completed online.
Doctor of Nursing Practice
WVU’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is only open to nurses who have completed an MSN degree and earned advanced practice certification. The curriculum consists of at least forty credits. Along the suggested course sequence, a nurse can complete these credits over the course of eight semesters. The final two semesters are devoted to clinical practice. DNP students must begin in the summer semester. Classes for the DNP program are all available online; students only need to travel to campus occasionally throughout the program. When it is necessary to meet with an advisor in person, students can go to either Morgantown or Charleston. DNP students can complete the clinical hours in a location that is convenient for them.
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
On the Morgantown campus, WVU offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD in Nursing) program for nurse researchers and educators. The coursework for the PhD in Nursing program is not available online, but to make it more flexible for working nurses, WVU offers the coursework in the summer semesters. Over the course of four summers, spending six weeks at a time in Morgantown, students can complete the PhD in Nursing coursework. They also have the option of completing up to eighteen credits at a school closer to their home. According to the suggested course sequence, a student needs four full years to take the required courses. After completing the coursework, the PhD in Nursing student also needs to write a dissertation. The PhD in Nursing program is only open to nurses who have already completed an MSN degree.
Continuing Education
WVU is committed to providing continuing education for nurses and other healthcare professionals, allowing them to stay up-to-date with the rapidly changing healthcare field. The majority of the continuing education courses are offered through the WVU Health Sciences Center Office of Continuing Education in Morgantown; this office administers a wide variety of on-site and online courses, and regularly hosts conferences. The list of courses is constantly changing. However, WVU consistently offers an online Parish Nursing class, to train nurses to practice their skills within a faith setting. Graduates of the basic Parish Nursing class can progress to an advanced Parish Nursing class. In addition, WVU offers an advanced pharmacology continuing education class through the health sciences division in Charleston.
West Virginia University
1550 University Avenue,
Morgantown, WV 26506
Phone: (304) 293-0111
West Virginia University at Parkersburg Nursing School Review
West Virginia University in Parkersburg is affiliated with West Virginia University (WVU), and located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. West Virginia University at Parkersburg (WVU Parkersburg, WVUP) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and offers community college programs and bachelor’s degrees. WVU Parkersburg, is the only community college in West Virginia that is accredited to offer baccalaureate degrees.
The nursing program available at West Virginia University at Parkersburg is the Associate of Applied Science degree (AAS). The degree is at the associate degree level and is intended for adults who are looking to pursue additional education. Individuals entering the Associate of Applied Science degree program usually hold licenses, certificates and credits for other institutions. Upon completion of the Associate of Applied Science Degree usually go on to complete baccalaureate education at educational institutions. The Associate of Applied Science degree is composed of 60 credit hours and the degree is flexible so that individuals who are employed can pursue the program. Individuals applying to the Associate of Applied Science degree can chose to use professional work experience in order to apply for college-level credit. Individuals are encouraged to submit a portfolio for entry into the program.
In order to graduate from the Associate of Applied Science degree at West Virginia University – Parkersburg, individuals must complete 60 credit hours of education with a GPA of 2.0 on the 4.0 scale at a minimum. Individuals applying to the Associate of Applied Science degree program must also have been out of high school for at least two years and are able to use what they completed during that time period as a part of their portfolio.
Individuals who graduate from the Associate of Applied Science degree at West Virginia University at Parkersburg are able to apply to write their NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse in the United States. Individuals who become licensed as Registered Nurses, go on to work in a variety of healthcare environments, including; hospitals, physicians’ offices, long-term care facilities, hospices and a variety of other healthcare environments.
Individuals applying to the Associate of Applied Science Degree in nursing at WVU Parkersburg can apply year round and can be completed online or through the admissions office. Individuals applying to the program must have submitted a Health Sciences application and must have included his or her high school transcript of GED certificate. Applicants must submit an ACT score of 19 or higher or an SAT score of 910 or above. If the applicant has completed any college level courses, he or she must submit a college transcript. Individuals applying to the West Virginia University – Parkersburg Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing must also have completed the Health Education Systems Inc. Admission Assessment Examination, with a score of 70 or above. Individuals writing the exam are responsible for the total cost of the examination.
Individuals who already hold a Licensed Practical Nursing licensure (LPN), can apply for advanced standing (LPN to AAS) in the nursing program if they meet the admission criteria outlined for the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program, hold a clean Practical Nursing licensure, submit a Practical Nursing School transcript and a college transcript that shows completion of prerequisites.
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
300 Campus Drive
Parkersburg, WV 26104-8647
United States
Phone: (304) 424-8000
West Virginia Wesleyan College Nursing Program Review
West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC) was founded in 1890 and is a private residential college, that has ties to the United Methodist Church. West Virginia Wesleyan College currently has almost 1,500 students and is home to 43 majors and 36 minors, as well as graduate programs. West Virginia Wesleyan College is located in Buckhannon, West Virginia.
The Nursing School at West Virginia Wesleyan College is intended to prepare individuals to enter the profession of nursing at a variety of levels. The nursing programs at West Virginia Wesleyan College are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. and approved by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Nurses. West Virginia Wesleyan College prides itself on the fact that its graduates have 100 percent employment placement.
Undergraduate Nursing Programs
West Virginia Wesleyan College offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, which is a four-year program that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Upon graduation from the program, individuals can go on to apply to write the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN). Registered Nurses can go on to work in a variety of healthcare institutions, including; hospitals, hospices, physicians’ offices, long-term care facilities, and a variety of other healthcare institutions.
Graduate Nursing Programs
West Virginia Wesleyan College offers a variety of Master of Science in Nursing program (MSN) streams at the graduate level, including; Nursing Education and Nursing Administration. The classes at the nursing graduate level are small and the classes are collaborative between students and faculty. Both streams of the graduate level are 36 credit hours and can be completed in 16 months or part-time over several years. The classes take place in the afternoons and evenings, in order to account for the fact that most of the students will be employed in the nursing program. Individuals can take the program at a flexible pace, and can plan their own schedule. West Virginia Wesleyan College also offers two new Advanced Practice Nursing Concentrations including; Nurse Midwifery and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), which is in collaboration with Shenandoah University. Individuals who graduate from these programs will receive a Master of Science in Nursing degree from West Virginia Wesleyan and a Certificate of Endorsement in Nurse Midwifery or Certificate in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner from Shenandoah University.
In order to be admitted into the Master of Science in Nursing program at West Virginia Wesleyan College individuals must have graduated from a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and hold a clean Registered Nurse licensure. Individuals must also hold a 3.0 undergraduate GPA on all previous college-level courses and have completed the application to West Virginia Wesleyan College. Applicants to the Master of Science in Nursing program at West Virginia Wesleyan College must provide a statement of goals and objectives, as well as an official undergraduate transcript and CV. Individuals applying must also submit two letters of recommendation and submit their license in order to practice.
West Virginia Wesleyan College
59 College Avenue,
Buckhannon, WV 26201-2600,
United States
Phone: (304) 473-8000
Wheeling Jesuit University Nursing School Review
Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU), a relatively small Catholic liberal arts university founded in 1954, is situated in the northern part of West Virginia, on the Ohio River. The school enrolls just over 1500 students each year from 26 states and over 20 countries. Wheeling Jesuit University offers over 50 programs of study on a 65-acre campus and a 550-acre retreat farm and research reserve.; most students are pursuing undergraduate degrees although the school also offers a variety of graduate programs.
For students who want to pursue careers in the healthcare field, WJU offers both undergraduate and graduate education in the nursing field. Its programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Wheeling Jesuit University offers a variety of nursing program including a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (BA/BS to BSN), a Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN/MSN) or Master of Science in Nursing program and a Master of Science in Nursing program (MSN).
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program has a standard, four-year curriculum. Incoming students spend their first year focusing entirely on WJU’s general education requirements and on the nursing prerequisite courses in the sciences and social sciences. In the first semester of his sophomore year, a BSN student can enroll in the first, one-credit nursing class. He continues with introductory nursing coursework in the spring of his sophomore year, and begins the intense nursing courses and clinical rotations in his junior year. Over the course of his four years at WJU, he must earn at least 135 credits. The four years of study prepare him for the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). If he passes this test, he can look for work as a Registered Nurse (RN) or pursue specialized nursing education at the graduate level.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Accelerated (BA/BS to BSN Program)
The BSN Accelerated program (also called the BA/BS to BSN program) is designed for baccalaureate-prepared students who want to switch careers. In order to be eligible for the program, a student must have a bachelor’s degree already; either a Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Science degree is acceptable. Regardless of her type of degree, however, she must have completed the following prerequisites: anatomy and physiology, chemistry, general psychology, developmental psychology, microbiology, and statistics. The BSN Accelerated program begins with a summer semester, and wraps up eighteen months later, in the fall. Over the course of these eighteen intense months, a student on the BSN Accelerated track must earn seventy-eight nursing credits. At the conclusion of the program, she is prepared to take the NCLEX-RN and start her new career as an RN.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – RN to BSN
WJU offers another special track within its BSN program, specifically designed for RNs who are graduates of an associate degree or diploma nursing program. The RN to BSN program is tailored for working RNs, so all courses are offered online. Clinical rotations are included in the program, but nurses can schedule those in locations that are convenient for them. An incoming RN can receive up to thirty-nine advanced placement nursing credits, which will allow her to skip the lower-level nursing courses. She must take twenty-five credits of upper-level nursing courses through WJU, and complete any missing general education classes. For its general education requirements, WJU requires eleven credits of science classes and fifty-one credits in the liberal arts.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing/Master of Science in Nursing – RN to BSN/MSN
An RN who has an associate degree or diploma in nursing needs to complete his BSN degree before he can pursue a graduate nursing degree. WJU provides a specific path for an RN who wishes to do this, allowing him to earn both his BSN and his Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. As the RN completes his BSN degree, he can substitute as many as five graduate-level nursing courses for the undergraduate-level nursing courses. The credits for these courses count for both the BSN degree and the MSN degree, enabling him to get a head start on his MSN coursework. Once he has completed the BSN degree and moved entirely into the MSN coursework, he can choose from among the three areas of specialization: Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, and Family Nurse Practitioner. Like the RNs on the RN to BSN path, an RN on the RN to BSN/MSN path can complete all the required coursework online.
Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Administration
An RN with a BSN degree can enroll in WJU’s MSN program, specializing in Nursing Administration. The program requires forty credits in total, which includes six core graduate nursing courses and eight courses in the Nursing Administration area of focus. The graduate student can complete all the coursework for this degree online, and can schedule clinical rotations in a location that is close to her home.
Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Education
The Nursing Education track of the MSN program is also offered online, to enable a working RN to complete the coursework at his own pace. He must take five core graduate classes, four clinical courses, and five courses in Nursing Education. In total, he must earn at least forty-two credits. The MSN Nursing Education program is only open to RNs who have already earned a BSN degree.
Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner
The Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program focuses on preparing students to be primary caregivers in rural areas of West Virginia. The program requires forty-eight credits in total, and includes ten core courses (both clinical and classroom) and four courses in the FNP area of specialization. The majority of the coursework can be completed online.
Post-Master’s Certification
After earning an MSN degree, a nurse can choose to return to school and work toward another graduate-level certification. WJU offers all three tracks of its MSN program as post-master’s certification programs. MSN-prepared nurses can skip the core graduate nursing classes and clinical rotations; they can complete the post-master’s certification program by taking the classes in their chosen area of specialization. The Nursing Education post-master’s track requires eighteen credits. The Nursing Administration post-master’s track requires twenty credits, and the FNP post-master’s track requires twenty-seven credits. All classes for the post-master’s certification program are available online; nurses may complete the required clinical rotations in a location that is convenient for them.
Wheeling Jesuit University
316 Washington Avenue,
Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: (304) 243-2000
BSN Programs in West Virginia
There are just under 10 different nursing schools in West Virginia with BSN programs, with exactly 9 different schools in our database. The larger cities, such as Huntington, tend to be the more popular, but there are schools in rural areas as well.
Alderson-Broaddus College
101 College Hill Drive Philippi, WV 26416, United States, (304) 457-1700.
Apply in person or online for admission into this college. Take advantage of their career services to secure a job after you graduate. Career services include guidance in changing your major, resume and cover letter, interview prep, job search, job fairs and more. The baccalaureate degree in nursing is traditionally a four year program where high school students, international and transfer students are welcome to apply. Students in this nursing program can also enroll in the international nursing partnership.
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV 25755, 1–800–642–3463
The BSN degree requires a minimum of 127 credit hours and an accumulative GPA of 2.3 in order to graduate. Clinical trials are done in several hospitals and health centers in the county. In addition students will gain experience in doctors offices, health departments, schools and other facilities. Several financial aid options are available including merit based scholarships, need based grants, loans, student employment and veterans benefits. There is also medical school aid which you can access through the financial aid department at the school.
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Mountain State University
410 Neville Street, Beckley, WV 2580, 1.866.367.6781
Quite a number of scholarships exist for incoming freshmen such as the President and Trustee scholarships, Ambassador scholarship, High School Salutatorian, High School Valedictorian and others. Other aids include state and federal grants and loans, work study and international fellowships. Students are required to become CPR certified before entering the clinical trials of the Bachelor of Nursing program. Working students should ensure that work hours do not conflict with study hours as the program has stringent requirements.
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Shepherd University
301 North King Street Shepherdstown, WV 25443, United States, (304) 876-5000
Non high school students who have attained a GED score of 410 may be admitted to the BS in nursing program. Home schooled students are also welcome to apply. Student resources at the school include advisement, a career development center, commuter affairs, dining services, health center, student center and more. Residence include single or double occupancy dorms, apartments and suites. There is a substance free program where students are encouraged along with family and friends not to use substances that are harmful to them. Substances include but not limited to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
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University of Charleston
Charleston, WV United States, (800) 995-4682
This undergraduate BSc in nursing program has small classes in the clinical lab sessions with a 10:1 student teacher ratio. Students do their clinical experiences in a wide variety of settings including a level 1 trauma center. Nursing students who have completed their training with minimum academic standard may qualify for membership into the Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society XI Tau Chapter. There are other clubs, organizations and activities students can get involved in.
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West Liberty University
West Liberty, West Virginia, United States
There are many activities such as athletics, arts and entertainment to keep students happy. The school also has its own health and emergency service. Their dining services provide nutritious meals and meal plans to students along with catering services for the wider community. The baccalaureate nursing program offers several nursing scholarships such as Dorothy Long scholarship, Nancy K. Martin, Human Touch, HEAP, Molly Kiger Coulling endowed scholarship and more.
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West Virginia University (Morgantown)
PO Box 6201 | Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 | 304.293.0111
In order to be admitted into this BSN degree high school students need to have a GPA of no less than 3.75 along with minimum ACT score of 26 or minimum SAT of 1190. Students may apply directly to the school or online. Prerequisite courses include CHEM 111/112, BIO 102/104, NBAN 107, NSG 100, PSYCH 100, SOCA 101 or 105, ENG 101 and MATH 126. You may transfer in the courses from another college. All applicants must submit a background check report along with immunization records.
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West Virginia University (Parkersburg)
300 Campus Drive, Parkersburg, WV 26104-864, Ph: 304-424.8000, Fax: 304-424.8315
Advising, counseling, career services, disability services are just some of the student services at this school. Students are also welcome to participate in athletics and other extra curricular activities. The bachelor of science degree in nursing entails courses in humanities, social sciences, basic sciences and nursing science. Students will be equipped with critical thinking skills, nursing intervention, caring and communication skills.
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West Virginia Wesleyan College
59 College Avenue, Buckhannon, WV 26201, (304) 473-8000
Students applying for placement into the BS nursing degree program should show evidence of current CPR certification, a negative TB test and a criminal background check. The school states that it has a 100% job placement rate for nursing graduates. Some of the scholarships available are the Presidential scholarship, Dean’s scholarship, Merit scholarship. There are other third party scholarships as well. Grants and other financial aid options are available.
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Wheeling Jesuit University
316 Washington Avenue Wheeling, WV 26003, United States, (304) 243-2304
Along with athletics, clubs and organizations there are many other activities that students participate in. Students with another bachelors degree in a subject other than nursing may also apply for entry into this Nursing Bachelors degree program.The students who already have a bachelors degree will complete the program at an accelerated pace. Some careers to consider when you graduate are Nurse Manager, Nursing Administration, Case Manager, Flight Nurse among others. You can also work in pharmaceuticals and community education.