Vermont Nursing Schools

There are around 5 accredited nursing schools in Vermont. Considering the small geographical footprint and overall population, this is a reasonable amount of schools offering nursing programs.

Throughout the United States, there’s projected to be a shortage of about eight hundred thousand nurses by 2020. While this creates a favorable job market for nursing graduates, it also creates a lot of obstacles for nursing schools.

To fill the demand, schools are encouraged to enroll, educate, and graduate as many nursing students as possible, but not all schools are structured to keep up that kind of pace.

As a result, small states with few nursing schools like Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont end up with long waitlists of students, and large numbers of students that choose to pursue an associate’s degree over a bachelor’s degree. For those people that are considering pursuing a nursing license in Vermont, there are a lot of incentives to do so.

Nursing Degrees by Program in Vermont

Use the quick links below to view detailed information on the specific nursing degree you are considering. Includes degree info and school options in your state.

Career Options for Vermont Nurses

Vermont’s salaries for an RN vary depending on their geographic location, and what type of practice they work for. Nurses in Burlington earn about $66,000 annually, which is comparable to nursing salaries in other areas of New England, and well above the national average. Other areas range from about $55,000, all the way up to nearly $79,000.

This mostly holds true for Registered Nurses and Licensed Practitioner Nurses. So, any nursing student hoping to take advantage of these hiring incentives should enter a bachelor’s or master’s degree program with a view to getting their nursing license as soon as possible. Though an associate’s degree is faster to obtain than a bachelor’s or master’s, it’s also the slowest way to get a nursing license.

Vermont Board of Nursing

Vermont’s Board of Nursing governs all nursing activities within the state’s borders. Nurses and nursing students alike turn to the Vermont State Board of Nursing for information on licensing and examination requirements, list of approved nursing schools and programs, current news in the health care industry, and more. The Board can be reached via their website, or at the National Life Building, North FL2, Montpelier, VT, 05620-3402.

Financial Aid Information for Vermont Residents

Vermont’s state Loan Repayment Program encompasses financial incentives for nurse practitioners. This can help graduates save a lot of money on their student loan payments, and has been a key factor in helping to encourage nurses to practice in Vermont’s rural areas, where they are needed the most. Many nurses want to go work in hospitals in metropolitan areas because of the availability of things like sign on bonuses, but Vermont’s Loan Repayment Program helps make rural communities equally attractive career options.

Scholarship & Grant Information for Vermont

Following are examples of nursing scholarships and grants for nursing students attending Vermont nursing programs.

General Education Fund, Inc.
Residents of Vermont pursuing nursing degrees at accredited colleges or universities in the state may be eligible for financial assistance through the Fund.  Scholarships are awarded based on financial need and academic scores.  Award amounts vary and are renewable.  New applications must be submitted by mid-July annually.  Students who are renewing scholarships must submit applications by the end of June annually.  For applications and guidelines, nursing students must contact the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation at10 East Allen Street, P.O. Box 2000, Winooski, VT 05404.

Keal Foundation
If you are a graduating high school senior who lives in Vermont and plan to pursue a degree in nursing, you may be eligible for a nursing scholarship from the Foundation.  Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores, personal essay, financial need, school activities and community service.  Award amounts vary.  Applications are due to the Foundation by the end of March annually.  Interested nursing students can contact the Foundation at P.O. Box 385, Burlington, VT 05402 or by calling (802) 658-0043.  Completed applications must be submitted to the Foundation at P.O. Box 647, Orange, VA 22960.

University of Vermont
The University’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences has multiple opportunities for nursing students to apply for scholarships.  In addition to the general scholarships available to all students, nursing students have access to nearly 40 additional scholarship programs through the College including the Endowed Nursing Scholarship and the Helen Farrington Nursing Scholarship.  Each scholarship has individual eligibility factors that students must meet to apply.  Award amounts vary depending upon the scholarship program.  For more information, nursing students should contact the University at (802) 656-3131.

Charitable Foundation of the Bryant Chuckling Grinder Company
The Foundation offers scholarships to residents of Vermont.  Nursing students who are state residents are eligible to apply to the Foundation for financial assistance.  Scholarships are awarded based on academic potential and financial need.  Award amounts vary and there are no deadlines for submission.  Nursing students interested in this scholarship opportunity should contact the Foundation for current applications and guidelines. The Foundation is located at 53 Cutler Drive, Springfield, VT 05156 and can be reached by calling (802) 885-5812.

Clayton Brown Scholarship Fund
The Foundation offers scholarships to seniors of Randolph Union High School who plan to attend an accredited nursing program after graduation.  Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and financial need.  The typical award is less than $1,000.  Interested students should consult their school’s guidance office for application information.

Hildegard Durfee Scholarship Fund
Nursing students who are residents of Windham County, Vermont may be eligible for scholarships from the Fund.  Both undergraduate and graduate nursing students are eligible to apply for financial assistance.  Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores and financial need.  Awards range from $250 to $500.  Students are required to submit completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with their scholarship application.  Applications are due to the Fund by June annually.  For current application and guidelines, contact the Fund at 44 New England Drive, Brattleboro, VT 05301 or by calling (802) 254-5329.

List of Nursing Schools & Accredited Programs in Vermont

★ Featured Nursing Schools Accepting Vermont Applicants

List of Vermont Nursing Schools

Castleton State College

Nursing Programs Offered:
Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Registered Nurse to Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN Mobility)
Accreditation: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)
62 Alumni Dr
Castleton, Vermont 05735
Phone:(802) 468-1262
Castleton State College is a 4-year, public institution.

Norwich University

Nursing Programs Offered:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Nurse Administrator
Nurse Educator
Accreditation: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)
Accreditation: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
158 Harmon Drive
Northfield, Vermont 05663-1035
Phone:(802) 485-2310
Norwich University is a 4-year, private not-for-profit institution.

Southern Vermont College

Nursing Programs Offered:
Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN)
Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Accreditation: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)
982 Mansion Drive
Bennington, Vermont 05201-6002
Phone:(802) 447-4000
Southern Vermont College is a 4-year, private not-for-profit institution.

University of Vermont

Nursing Programs Offered:
Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Adult Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Practice Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Family Nurse Practitioner
Registered Nurse to Bachelors of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN Mobility)
Post-Masters of Science in Nursing Certificate
Accreditation: Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
85 S Prospect St
Burlington, Vermont 05405-0160
Phone:(802) 656-3131
University of Vermont is a 4-year, public institution.

Vermont Technical College

Nursing Programs Offered:
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Accreditation: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)
1 Main Street
P.O. Box 500
Randolph Center, Vermont 05061-0500
Phone:(802) 728-1000
Phone: (800) 442-8821
Vermont Technical College is a 4-year, primarily associate’s, public institution.