I | Idaho Education Incentive Loan Forgiveness Program
Idaho Education Incentive Loan Forgiveness Program
This scholarship is more of a loan forgiveness program offered to students enrolled in the teaching certificate or nursing program at any of the state of Idaho’s six colleges or universities.
Eligibility includes being a full time student and maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or higher over 2 semesters
Deadline: January 15
Contact: P.O. Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0037 or 650 West State St RM 307 Boise ID 83702
Telephone: 208 332-1574 or 334-2270
Illinois AMVETS Sad Sacks Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship, offered by the American Veterans Department of Illinois, is offered to a qualifying senior in any high school in the state. The applicant must be a child or grandchild of a USA military veteran, serving or served after September 15, 1940
Eligibility includes proven enrollment in a school of nursing within the state, with a good academic record. The applicant must also prove financial need.
Contact: AMVETS Department of Illinois, 2200 South Sixth Street, Springfield Illinois 62703
Telephone: 217 528-4713
Indian Health Services Scholarship Program
This is a scholarship offered to American Indian or Alaskan Natives seeking to improve their education and become health care professionals, such as a nurse.
Eligibility includes a willingness to work in native communities.
Deadline: February or March (depends if new or reapply)
Contact: IHS Scholarship Program, 801 Thompson Ave TMP-450, Rockville MD 2085
Telephone:(301) 443-6394
Indiana General Assembly Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship is administered by SSACI (State Student Assistance Commission of Indiana) to a qualifying student enrolled either full time or part time, in a state approved nursing program. The scholarship is available for those studying to become a Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse.
Applications may be made online.
Eligibility includes a willingness to work within the state of Indiana for a period of at least 2 years after graduating. A GPA of at least 2.0 must also be maintained.
Contact: State Student Assistance Commission of Indiana, W462 Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Indianapolis IN 46204
Telephone: 317 232-2350
Email: [email protected]
Indiana Health Care Association
This scholarship is offered to baccalaureate prepared individuals seeking to upgrade their education to become a health facility or residential care administrator in the state of Indiana. The applicant must show a passion for working with the elderly.
Eligibility includes taking the administrators course at Martin University in Indianapolis.
Deadline: February 23
Contact: Indiana Health Care Policy Institute, Attn: Katie Eller, Executive Director, One N. Capital Avenue, Suite 100, Indianapolis IN 46204
Telephone: 800 466-IHCA
Inger Lawrence-M.R. Bauer Foundation Advanced Nursing Studies
National Council of Jewish Women – Los Angeles offers the Inger Lawrence-M.R. Bauer Foundation to individuals who, despite life obstacles, have demonstrated courage and a commitment to pursuing higher education. The eligible candidate must be a single mother residing in Los Angeles, California. The candidate must be a registered nurse enrolled in a master’s degree program in nursing. The candidate must also demonstrate financial need.
Award: $2000
Deadline: May 1 and November 1
Contact: Brandee Tucker, National Council of Jewish Women – Los Angeles, 543 North Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles CA, 90036, 323 655-3807; [email protected]
International Nursing Scholarship
The Global Scholarship Alliance provides nursing scholarships to international students. It is their way of helping to relive the global shortage of nurses. Since the year 2000, GSA and partnering institutions have provided 150 nursing scholarships.
Online applications are currently being accepted for the next academic year.
Contact: Global Scholarship Alliance, 4500 Cooper Road, Suite 101, Cincinnati OH 45242
Telephone: 513 665-4544
Email: [email protected]
International Small Research Grant
The Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing offers the International Small Research Grant to support advanced research in nursing. The eligible candidate must be a registered nurse with a master’s or doctoral degree, or must be enrolled in a doctoral program. The candidate must also have a research project that will be ready to implement immediately upon funding. Preference is given to members of Sign Theta Tau International.
Award: $5000
Deadline: December 1
Contact: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Research Services Specialist, International Small Research Grant, Program Department, 550 West North Street, Indianapolis IN, 46202; (317) 634-8171; [email protected]
IOKDS Health Careers Scholarship
This scholarship is administered by the International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons, an interdenominational Christian organization. Applicants for this scholarship must be attending full time studies in either Canada or the United States. The award is for $1,000
The organization also provides “Around the World Scholarships”, available for non-USA and non-Canadian students enrolled in degree studies; also “North American Indian Scholarships” to students with a tribal registration number attending technical, vocational or college programs.
Eligibility includes completion of at least one year of nursing studies.
Deadline: April 1
Contact: IOKDS health Careers Scholarship Director, P.O. Box 1040, Chautauqua NY 14722
Telephone: 716 357-4951
Email: [email protected]
IOM/ANF/AAN Scholar-in Residence Program
This is a scholarship towards health policy leadership studies. It is a partnership between the Institute of Medicine, the American Nurses Foundation and the American Academy of Nursing. The recipient will spend 1 year at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies interacting with other health care scholars learning about leadership and health policy development.
Deadline: February 1
Eligibility includes membership in the Academy
Contact: American Academy of Nursing, 1000 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 910, Washington DC 20005
Telephone: 202 777-1170
Email: [email protected]
Irene and Charles Keller Endowment Scholarship in Nursing
This scholarship is available through the Sinclair School of Nursing. More than one scholarship may be awarded to full time nursing students. Please note that all internal scholarships require only one application. If you meet the qualifications you will be notified.
Deadline: Varies; check with student services
Contact: Office of Student Affairs, S235 School of Nursing, Columbia MO 65211
Telephone: 573 882-0277 or 800 437-4339
Email: [email protected]
Isemoto Contracting Co. Ltd. Scholarship Fund
Administered by the Hawaii Community Foundation, this scholarship is available to a graduating student of a Hawaii high school. The recipient must already be accepted in to a college nursing program.
Deadline: February 17
Contact: Hawaii Community Foundation, 827 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu HI 96813
Telephone: 808 566-5570 or 808 537-6333
Email: [email protected]