Milwaukee Area Technical College Nursing Program Review
Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) offers classes during the day, evenings and weekends, and is ideal for individuals who wish to continue working while pursuing his or her education. Milwaukee Area Technical College offers 200 degree programs, diplomas, certificate and apprenticeship programs in traditional trades and education in a variety of extensive employment skills.
MATC also provides opportunities for individuals to earn his or her high school diploma, GED or HSED prior to applying to one of the more senior post-secondary degree options. A high school diploma, GED or HSED is a requirement for all of Milwaukee Area Technical College’s degrees, diplomas and certificate programs.
Nursing Assistant Program (NA)
The Nursing Assistant Program at Milwaukee Area Technical College is conducted under the School of Health Sciences technical diploma program and takes place at the downtown Milwaukee campus, the Oak Creek campus, or the West Allis campus and offers a bilingual option in Spanish at the downtown Milwaukee campus. Nursing Assistants is an entry level nursing profession, and they provide bedside care and assistance to others more senior members of the nursing profession. The Nursing Assistant program at Milwaukee Area Technical College is not accredited but the Milwaukee Area Technical College Nursing Assistant program is approved by the US Department of Health Services. The Nursing Assistant Program is three-credits in duration and can be completed in eight weeks. The weekend course option can be completed in 11 weeks.
The clinical practice portion of the program is selected by the faculty in the program. Individuals applying to the Nursing Assistant Program at Milwaukee Area Technical College must complete certain health forms that need to be completed by the individual’s healthcare provider. The forms include details on immunizations, TB, and hepatitis tests as well as verification from the individual’s healthcare provider that the individual is able to complete the program physically. Applicants are also required to submit a criminal background check when applying to the Nursing Assistant Program at MATC.
There are no prerequisite courses mandatory for the Nursing Assistant Program at Milwaukee Area Technical College and individuals should check with the college to determine if there are any specific tests that he or she should take prior to being admitted into the program. The Nursing Assistant Program does not require students to attend an orientation meeting, but they are required to pay a one-time fee of $30 in order to apply to the program, as well as $20 for the criminal background check before being admitted into the program. Students will not be admitted into the program if the application is not submitted on time and if they do not pass the criminal background check.
Individuals who complete the Nursing Assistant Program are required to pass licensure examinations, which are required in order to be employed in the nursing profession as a Nursing Assistant. In order to receive more information, individuals can set up a discussion with a member of staff at Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse Program (LPN to RN)
The LPN to RN program is intended for Licensed Practical Nurses who wish to pursue additional education in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse. Licensed Practical Nurses will be granted advanced credits by Milwaukee Area Technical College once he or she has successfully completed an examination. Once the AAS degree program has been completed, individuals can go on to take the NCLEX-RN examination, in order to become licensed as a Registered Nurse. In order to be admitted into this stream of the program, individuals must hold LPN licensure, at least one year of work experience and hold a Nursing Assistant credential.
Associate in Applied Science (AAS) Program
Individuals who successfully complete the AAS program at Milwaukee Area Technical College will go on to become licensed as a Registered Nurse after he or she completes the NCLEX-RN examination to be certified. Individuals in this program complete a combination of in-class lectures, laboratory work, and clinical practice in order to complete the program and go on to write the examination. Individuals who wish to apply to this program must have completed a Nursing Assistant course before enrolling.
Milwaukee Area Technical College
700 West State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1443
United States
Phone: (414) 297-6282