Hispanic Nursing Scholarships
Applying for Hispanic Nursing Scholarships
There are excellent opportunities for students interested in receiving Hispanic nursing scholarships. These scholarships limit eligibility to Hispanic students pursuing a nursing degree. They are available to both Hispanic men and women.
The growing cost of a college education often requires students to seek scholarships and other financial assistance to defer costs. Hispanic nursing students can also apply for general nursing scholarships to help pay for nursing school. Following below are examples of organizations that offer nursing scholarships to Hispanic students.
National Programs for Hispanic Nursing Students
The federal government funds multiple scholarship programs in various disciplines. There are other national organizations that also administer scholarship programs for Hispanic students. In addition to nursing scholarships, Hispanic students can apply for general scholarships that are available solely for students of Hispanic heritage. Following is an example of a national program for Hispanic students open to Hispanic nursing students.
National Association of Hispanic Nurses
Through the Association, Hispanic nursing students are eligible to apply for scholarships to help pay for nursing school costs. The Association has chapters across the country that students can become members of to receive additional supports. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores, leadership potential, and financial need. So far, it has mostly been Hispanic women who have benefited from these scholarships due to their being more female applicants as compared to males. Typical award amounts are $1,000. Deadlines vary. For applications and guidelines, contact the Association at 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20004 or by calling (202) 387-2477.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The Fund offers over 20 scholarship programs for Hispanic students enrolled in 2-year or 4-year accredited colleges and universities. Hispanic nursing students are eligible for several of these opportunities including the General College Scholarship and the Gold Standard Scholarship among many more. Each scholarship program has individual eligibility and submission requirements including specific deadlines. Awards vary greatly by scholarship and can range from $1,000 to over $10,000. Interested students can contact the Fund at 55 Second Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 or by calling (877) 473-4636.
The SallieMae Fund
Hispanic-American nursing students who are the first member of their immediate family member to attend college may be eligible for the First in My Family Scholarship. Undergraduate nursing students can apply to this program. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores and documented financial aid. Award amounts range from $500 to $5,000. This opportunity is not open every year so it is important to monitor Fund guidelines. Typical deadlines have been in March. For additional information, contact the Fund at 11100 USA Parkway, Fishers, IN 46037.
Heritage Scholarships for Hispanic Nursing Students
Students should consider scholarship opportunities not related to nursing that Hispanic nursing students may still qualify for. These financial assistance programs can supplement nursing scholarships or even pay for a substantial portion of your education. Eligibility requirements focus on a student’s ethnic heritage. Following are examples of heritage scholarships for Hispanic nursing students.
Cuban-American Scholarship Fund
Undergraduate and graduate nursing students of Cuban descent may be eligible for a scholarship from the Fund. Students must be California residents or attending a nursing school in the state. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores and financial need. The typical award amount is $750. Applications must be submitted by mid-April annually. For applications and guidelines, contact the Fund at P.O. Box 6422, Santa Ana, CA 92706.
Salvadoran American Leadership & Educational Fund
Nursing students of Central American descent or other Latino ethnicity may be eligible for the Health Career Scholarship offered by the Fund. Undergraduate and graduate nursing students who live in San Fernando Valley, Greater Los Angeles, or San Francisco Bay area can apply. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores, community service record, and financial need. Each scholarship has a community service requirement. Award amounts vary. Applications are typically due by May annually. For applications and guidelines, students can contact the Fund at (213) 480-1052.
Educational Institute Scholarships for Hispanic Nursing Students
Whether recently accepted into or already enrolled in a nursing program, Hispanic students can check with the nursing department and the financial aid office to determine the availability of nursing and other scholarships. Following is an example of an educational institution that offers nursing scholarships to Hispanic students.
College of Saint Scholastica
This college is located in Duluth, Minnesota. Hispanic students enrolled in the School of Nursing to obtain a graduate degree may be eligible for the RWJF New Careers in Nursing Scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship is to attracted individuals from underrepresented groups to the nursing profession. Hispanic nursing students meet this criterion. Scholarships are awarded based on academics and financial need. Award amounts are $10,000. Applications are typically due at the beginning of the year. For additional information, students can contact the Office of Financial Aid at (218) 723-6047.
Employer-Sponsored Scholarships for Hispanic Nursing Students
These scholarships may be offered specifically for employees or their children. Employers interested in recruiting Hispanic nurses may offer scholarships to encourage Hispanic individuals to consider nursing as a career. Some employers may simply fund scholarships while others have post-graduation requirements. This typically entails students working for the employer for a period of time after graduating with a nursing degree. Following is an example of a scholarship for Hispanic students.
Ortega Charitable Foundation
This opportunity involves brokers of Goya Foods, Inc. Broker employees and their children may be eligible for scholarships from the Foundation. Applicants must be of Latino ancestry and be residents of Florida to be considered. Nursing students who meet these criteria can apply. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores and financial need. Awards range from $1,000 to $10,000. Applications are due to the Foundation by the end of May annually. For applications and guidelines, students can contact the Foundation at 2000 N.W. 92nd Avenue, Doral, FL 33172.
Community-Based Scholarships for Hispanic Nursing Students
Hispanic students also have resources at the local level that provide scholarships. These will most likely be Hispanic nonprofit organizations and foundations. Both family and community foundations provide scholarships. Each scholarship opportunity has individual eligibility and submission requirements. Following are examples of community-based scholarship programs for Hispanic nursing students.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region, Inc.
Graduating high school students of Hispanic heritage who plan to pursue a nursing degree may be eligible for scholarships from RMHC. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores, extracurricular activities, and financial need. Award amounts vary. Applications are accepted at any time. For applications and deadlines, contact RMHC at One Oxford Center, 20th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 or by calling (412) 392-2000.
Augustin A. Ramirez, Jr. Family Foundation
If you are a Latino student who graduated from the Waukesha County High School or lives in the Greater Milwaukee Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area and you have been accepted to an accredited four-year nursing program, you may be eligible for a scholarship from the Foundation. Scholarships are awarded based on academic scores, leadership potential, and documented financial need. Award amounts range from $500 to $3,000. Applications are usually due to the Foundation by April annually. Interested students can contact the Foundation at 411 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 2040, Milwaukee, WI 53202 to request an application. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Foundation, c/o Scholarship Program Coordinator, P.O. Box 257, Waukesha, WI 53187.
Eligible students should consider Hispanic nursing scholarships to help pay for nursing school costs. There are a variety of sources for these scholarships. And students can apply for multiple scholarships.