Drexel University
Philadelphia based Drexel University is one of the most well-known and revered institutions both on and offline. Founded in 1891 in the “City of Brotherly Love,” Drexel University boasts accolades from U.S. News and World Report including being the nation’s 14th largest university and ranked in the top 10 of the “Up-and-Comers” list.
Drexel University began offering online programs in 1996, and its Education, Business, Engineering and Library Science programs are also ranked among the best by U.S. News and World Report. Other fields of online study are Nursing, Communications, Clinical Research, Psychology, Public Health, Information Systems, Toxicology, and Industrial Hygiene.
Overview of Programs, Certificates and Degrees
- Online bachelor’s through doctoral degrees and certificates offered
- Flexible course schedule-students may take one course or up to 12+ credits
Online Nursing and Health Care Degrees Review
Drexel University offers unlimited comprehensive online degree programs for registered nurses seeking to advanced their education and career opportunities.
Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Nursing
The online RN to BSN degree program at Drexel University prepares nurses for the population-based and managed care environment. Students may customize electives to their preferred interests and area of focus. The online bachelor’s degree in nursing program at Drexel University has three tiers to completion:
- Tier 1: Transfer of prior credits (courses that would normally be completed simultaneously with the nursing license)
- Tier 2: Completion of remaining general degree and elective courses
- Tier 3: Completion of upper division nursing courses
Nursing courses in tier 3 include Critical Issues Shaping Professional Nursing, Nursing Informatics and Genetics in Nursing and Health.
Drexel University also offers an online bachelor’s degree in Health Services Administration for nurses seeking leadership positions in the healthcare setting. Nurses who complete this program may find employment in the following places:
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- Managed-care organizations
- Health-insurance companies
- Health-marketing firms
- Law firms focusing on health-care issues
Duration and Cost
To graduate, 180 quarter credits are required; up to 133 credits may be transferred from previous education. Nurses employed by health system partners and community colleges may be eligible for a specialized tuition plan. Tuition ranges from $454 to $545 per credit for the RN to BSN online degree program, depending on if the student is a member of a partner organization. The Bachelor’s of Science degree in Health Services Administration is $650 per credit.
Online Master’s Degree in Nursing
Drexel University offers comprehensive online Master of Science in Nursing degree programs for nurses considering pursuing a master’s degree. In addition to an RN to MSN completion program, students can choose from one of several specializations for the master’s degree:
- MSN in Innovation and Intra/Entrepreneurship in Advanced Nursing Practice
- MSN Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
- MSN Nurse Practitioner Track – Pediatric Primary Care
- MSN in Nursing Education & Faculty Role
- MSN in Nursing Leadership in Health Systems Management
- MSN in Clinical Trials Research
- MSN Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
- MSN Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Duration and Cost
Tuition ranges from $610 to $765 per credit. Program length ranges from 45 credits to 58 credits for the traditional online master’s programs. The RN to MSN online program has 12 bridge credits, as nurses should already hold a bachelor’s degree in another area of study.
Online Doctoral Degree in Nursing
The newly online Doctoral Degree in Nursing program at Drexel University seeks to provide both a practical and research-based education. Students may choose from four tracks:
The Practitioner Track: Clinical Practice
•The Educator Track: Nursing Professor
•The Clinical Scientist Track: Clinical Researcher
•The Clinical Executive Track: Health Care Management
Year 2 of the program also requires a short-term (2 week) study abroad session in England.
Duration and Cost
The program requires 48 credits and is meant to be completed in three years on a part-time basis. The program tuition is $729 per credit.
Online Certificates in Nursing
Over ten online post bachelors and masters nursing certificate programs are available to Drexel University students. The following nursing certificate programs are offered:
- Post-Master’s Certificate Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing Education & Faculty Role
- Post-Master’s Certificate in Innovation and Intra/Entrepreneurship in Advanced Nursing Practice
- Post-Master’s Certificate in Medical Family Therapy
- Physician Assistant Post-Professional Master’s Program
- Post-Bachelor’s Certificate in Innovation and Intra/Entrepreneurship in Advanced Nursing Practice
- Post-Bachelor’s Certificate in Nursing Education & Faculty Role
- Post-Bachelor’s Certificate in Leadership in Health Systems Management
- Post-Bachelor’s Certificate in Clinical Trials Research
- Certificate of Advanced Study in Complementary and Integrative Therapies
- Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding
Duration and Cost
The programs range in tuition from $600 to $765 per credit, and require 12 to 45 credits.
Things to consider:
- Prospective applicants must hold a nursing license; students who do not hold a nursing license may obtain one through an on-campus program at Drexel University.
- Nurses with a bachelors degree in another field should consider the online RN to MSN program.
- Nurses in the RN to MSN online program should hold a bachelor’s degree.
- Clinical components of the master’s and doctoral programs may require some components of the program to be completed in-person.
Drexel University’s nursing programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104