Carl Albert State College Nursing Program Review
Carl Albert State College (CASC) is ranked as one of the top 10% in community colleges in the country. They also happen to have the most affordable tuition fees in Oklahoma and are conveniently located in Salisaw, Poteau and the World Wide Web.
Carl Albert State College – Nursing
This program has been approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing and has been accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and the Oklahoma Department of CareerTech.
Associate of Applied Science
This program normally takes 72 to 75 credit hours to complete and students need to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 in order to complete it. Aside from that, students will also need to complete 31 hours of general education courses and 41 to 44 hours of nursing courses.
Financial Aid
Grants refer to financial aid that students do not need to repay and are usually offered to undergraduates depending on their needs, enrollment status and attendance costs. There are different kinds of grants out there, including federal Pell grants, federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (SEOG) and Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants (OTAG).
Since the Health Care reform was passed, Stafford Loans have changed to Direct Lending.
Federal Perkins Loans
These loans are given to students with the most need for them, but can only be given if funds exist to do so. Most of the time, students can get up to $3000 in loan amounts, though.
Federal Work Study (FWS)
Federal Work Study means that undergraduates will need to have jobs in order to get financial aid. How much the awarded amount is will depend on the student’s financial needs, though. However, if eligible, they can work in various participating campus departments or offices.
Getting an FWS doesn’t necessarily guarantee a job, though. Every department will choose the student that they want to give the job to from the pool of eligible applicants provided from the office of financial aid.
In general, the chosen students will get paid two times a month and can pick up their checks at the business office.
Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (OHLAP)
This program exists for students from the 8th to the 10th grade who need help paying for their education in college and whose family’s annual income is under $50,000. To apply for this program, students have to take specific courses and pass them with good grades.
National Guard Tuition Waiver
This tuition waiver is for undergraduates students with good standings at the Oklahoma National Guard. To apply, students will need to submit an application every semester and enroll in a baccalaureate program with at least six hours of study in the spring and summer semesters or at least three hours in the summer. Students can get this waiver for up to 6 years of 18 credit hours every semester.
G.I. Bill
Veterans and veteran dependents can apply for certain educational benefits through this program.
Native American Tribal Assistance
A lot of recognized civilized tribes provide financial aid to students with Native American blood, as long as they can verify their descent. To apply, students will need to complete the necessary application form first and then get in touch with their local tribal agency to get financial aid.
Carl Albert State College
1507 S. McKenna,
Poteau, OK 74953