BSN Programs in West Virginia
There are just under 10 different nursing schools in West Virginia with BSN programs, with exactly 9 different schools in our database. The larger cities, such as Huntington, tend to be the more popular, but there are schools in rural areas as well.
Alderson-Broaddus College
101 College Hill Drive Philippi, WV 26416, United States, (304) 457-1700.
Apply in person or online for admission into this college. Take advantage of their career services to secure a job after you graduate. Career services include guidance in changing your major, resume and cover letter, interview prep, job search, job fairs and more. The baccalaureate degree in nursing is traditionally a four year program where high school students, international and transfer students are welcome to apply. Students in this nursing program can also enroll in the international nursing partnership.
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV 25755, 1–800–642–3463
The BSN degree requires a minimum of 127 credit hours and an accumulative GPA of 2.3 in order to graduate. Clinical trials are done in several hospitals and health centers in the county. In addition students will gain experience in doctors offices, health departments, schools and other facilities. Several financial aid options are available including merit based scholarships, need based grants, loans, student employment and veterans benefits. There is also medical school aid which you can access through the financial aid department at the school.
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Mountain State University
410 Neville Street, Beckley, WV 2580, 1.866.367.6781
Quite a number of scholarships exist for incoming freshmen such as the President and Trustee scholarships, Ambassador scholarship, High School Salutatorian, High School Valedictorian and others. Other aids include state and federal grants and loans, work study and international fellowships. Students are required to become CPR certified before entering the clinical trials of the Bachelor of Nursing program. Working students should ensure that work hours do not conflict with study hours as the program has stringent requirements.
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Shepherd University
301 North King Street Shepherdstown, WV 25443, United States, (304) 876-5000
Non high school students who have attained a GED score of 410 may be admitted to the BS in nursing program. Home schooled students are also welcome to apply. Student resources at the school include advisement, a career development center, commuter affairs, dining services, health center, student center and more. Residence include single or double occupancy dorms, apartments and suites. There is a substance free program where students are encouraged along with family and friends not to use substances that are harmful to them. Substances include but not limited to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
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University of Charleston
Charleston, WV United States, (800) 995-4682
This undergraduate BSc in nursing program has small classes in the clinical lab sessions with a 10:1 student teacher ratio. Students do their clinical experiences in a wide variety of settings including a level 1 trauma center. Nursing students who have completed their training with minimum academic standard may qualify for membership into the Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society XI Tau Chapter. There are other clubs, organizations and activities students can get involved in.
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West Liberty University
West Liberty, West Virginia, United States
There are many activities such as athletics, arts and entertainment to keep students happy. The school also has its own health and emergency service. Their dining services provide nutritious meals and meal plans to students along with catering services for the wider community. The baccalaureate nursing program offers several nursing scholarships such as Dorothy Long scholarship, Nancy K. Martin, Human Touch, HEAP, Molly Kiger Coulling endowed scholarship and more.
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West Virginia University (Morgantown)
PO Box 6201 | Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 | 304.293.0111
In order to be admitted into this BSN degree high school students need to have a GPA of no less than 3.75 along with minimum ACT score of 26 or minimum SAT of 1190. Students may apply directly to the school or online. Prerequisite courses include CHEM 111/112, BIO 102/104, NBAN 107, NSG 100, PSYCH 100, SOCA 101 or 105, ENG 101 and MATH 126. You may transfer in the courses from another college. All applicants must submit a background check report along with immunization records.
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West Virginia University (Parkersburg)
300 Campus Drive, Parkersburg, WV 26104-864, Ph: 304-424.8000, Fax: 304-424.8315
Advising, counseling, career services, disability services are just some of the student services at this school. Students are also welcome to participate in athletics and other extra curricular activities. The bachelor of science degree in nursing entails courses in humanities, social sciences, basic sciences and nursing science. Students will be equipped with critical thinking skills, nursing intervention, caring and communication skills.
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West Virginia Wesleyan College
59 College Avenue, Buckhannon, WV 26201, (304) 473-8000
Students applying for placement into the BS nursing degree program should show evidence of current CPR certification, a negative TB test and a criminal background check. The school states that it has a 100% job placement rate for nursing graduates. Some of the scholarships available are the Presidential scholarship, Dean’s scholarship, Merit scholarship. There are other third party scholarships as well. Grants and other financial aid options are available.
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Wheeling Jesuit University
316 Washington Avenue Wheeling, WV 26003, United States, (304) 243-2304
Along with athletics, clubs and organizations there are many other activities that students participate in. Students with another bachelors degree in a subject other than nursing may also apply for entry into this Nursing Bachelors degree program.The students who already have a bachelors degree will complete the program at an accelerated pace. Some careers to consider when you graduate are Nurse Manager, Nursing Administration, Case Manager, Flight Nurse among others. You can also work in pharmaceuticals and community education.