Bluegrass Community and Technical College Nursing Program Review
Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) is located in Lexington, Kentucky. It is part of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and was established in 2005. Bluegrass Community and Technical College has seven campuses that have over 11,500 students enrolled in a variety of programs. The college offers over 40 technical and career-focused programs. These are the Cooper Campus in Lexington, which is right next to the University of Kentucky campus and dormitories and other campuses in Bourbon County, Boyle County, Clark County, Fayette County, Franklin County, Jessamine County, Madison County, Mercer County, Scott County, and Woodford County.
BCTC is one of the fastest growing two-year community and technical colleges in Kentucky. Classes are offered in the daytime, evening, and on the weekend, and there are online students from all over the world enrolled in BCTC. Tuition at the college is low, especially for Kentucky residents.
Nursing Programs
Registered Nurse (RN) programs are offered at some of the BCTC campuses, including the Cooper Campus and Lawrenceburg Campus. Practical Nurse (PN) programs are offered at the Danville Campus and Leestown Campus. The other locations of BCTC campuses do not offer nursing programs.
Associate Degree Nursing
The Cooper campus and Lawrenceburg campus of BCTC offer an Associate Degree Nursing program that can be completed in two years. At the completion of the program, students are awarded an Associate Degree Nursing (ADN). They also take the NCLEX-RN, the national examination that leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN). This nursing program focuses on preparing future nurses to be competent in all areas of nursing practice. Students complete all of the general education requirements before beginning their nursing courses and clinical experience. It is necessary to apply to the college and enroll in classes before applying to the nursing program. All applicants to the nursing program must take the National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Examination (NLN PAX).
Admission to the ADN program is selective. Those who have taken nursing courses at another accredited college or who have taken nursing courses at BCTC may apply for Advanced Standing in the program admission process. Those hoping to be accepted for Advanced Standing must complete an application and attend a mandatory pre-admission conference. Two letters of recommendation are also required from the previous clinical nursing faculty. Those who have attended classes more than three years ago are not eligible for Advanced Standing.
Students seeking regular admission are given preference if they live in Kentucky, and varying numbers of students are accepted into the program each year, depending on available resources. The results of the ACT test score or the Pre-RN Examination plus the student’s grade point average from high school and any college courses are also considered. Applicants must submit an application, and every applicant to the program must attend one session of the Associate Degree Nursing Pre-Admission Conference.
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) may also apply to enroll in the BCTC Associate Degree Nursing program. They must have at least a year of experience and hold an unrestricted license for practical nursing. Additionally, LPNs must complete the prerequisite general education requirements. Admission to the program is selective. Applicants may qualify for up to 15 credits toward their ADN.
Practical Nursing
BCTC offers a Practical Nursing (PN) diploma program at its Danville and Leestown campuses. The program trains the student to work under a doctor or Registered Nurse. Students must complete between 52 and 60 credits to complete the program, and they must maintain a 2.0 grade point average in their classes. When the program is completed, graduates take the NCLEX-PN for licensure as a Practical Nurse. Admission to the program is selective, and not all students who apply will be accepted into the PN program.
Applicants must submit a Complete Application Packet to be considered for the Practical Nursing diploma program. They must use the checklist to make sure that all required documents are part of this packet, including an official transcript of high school grades or GED scores, official ACT or SAT scores, or the results of the COMPASS exam. They must also meet with the PN Coordinator, and no appointment is needed for this purpose. Applicants must also submit proof of completion of a Medicaid Nurse Aide course within the last three years or they must be active on the Medicaid Nurse Aid Registry. In addition, applicants must have all of the required immunizations, pass the background check, and complete the computer literacy course that it required.
One of the helpful offerings of BCTC is that most of the prerequisite courses for the ADN or PN programs are offered in the evening, on weekends, or online. Students can continue to work and to take courses according to their own personal schedules. Once a student is accepted into the ADN or PN program, core nursing courses are usually offered in the daytime only. Another benefit of attending Bluegrass Community and Technical College is that there are many student activities and organizations that ADN or PN student can join. Student organizations include a nursing organization entitled Bluegrass Associate Degree Nursing Class plus the year that students will graduate. The purpose of the organization is to foster a love of nursing as students prepare for this career. The Practical Nursing Student Organization is another group that PN students may want to join.
The low tuition offered at the college is another advantage, especially for residents of Kentucky who pay the lowest tuition of any students. The college offers many different financial aid programs, including federal grants that depend on the student’s and their family’s income. Federal student loans can also be found that will cover all or most of the cost of a nursing student’s education at BCTC. Scholarships are also available to nursing students with high grade point averages, and some scholarships and grants do not depend on the student’s grades. Nursing students may also qualify for state and federal grants.
Nurse Aide
This program at BCTC is offered to those who want the opportunity to work with patients. The Nursing Assistant Skills I courses prepares students to take the State Competency Evaluation. After passing this test, graduates of the program have their name placed on the Kentucky Nurse Aide Registry. They are then able to work in many different healthcare settings, assisting nurses and interacting with patients. The two nursing courses offered at BCTC require this course as a prerequisite for the Practical Nursing or Registered Nursing programs. A high school diploma or GED is not required for admission to the program, so high school juniors or seniors who are planning on a nursing career often take the course. Students must have a background check before being added to the Registry. They then volunteer their services in a retirement home, long term care facility or hospital in preparation for entering one of the BCTC programs after high school graduation.
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
470 Cooper Drive,
Lexington, KY 40506-0235
(866) 774-4872
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