ADN Programs in Utah
Is There a Nursing Shortage in Utah?
Due to the current economic climate, what was formerly projected to be a shortage of nurses has been avoided in Utah, as nurses who were formerly considering retirement or who were only working part-time have come back to work full time.
Yet, ultimately, as the economy improves and the large percentage of nurses in Utah that are at retirement age finally proceed to their retirement, there will again be a shortage of nurses. When that happens, those people who are already in position with their ADN Degree and their registered nursing license will be poised to take advantage of it.
Does Utah Recognize ADN Programs for Registered Nursing?
Yes, Utah does recognize ADN (Associate’s Degree in Nursing) programs for the purposes of becoming a registered nurse. The Utah Board of Nursing has several approved ADN programs in Utah. Utah also allows graduates from out of state ADN programs to apply for licensure, as long as the out of state ADN program has been accredited by the one of several nationally recognized accreditation agencies for nursing, or has been approved by the Board of Nursing in the state where it is located.
What kind of duties can a RN with an ADN Degree perform in Utah?
A graduate of an ADN program who obtains his or her registered nursing license from the state of Utah can perform the same duties that any other person holding a registered license can. The scope of practice act in Utah allows a registered nurse to make nursing judgments as required, to make a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s condition and where, necessary, make a nursing plan to help improve a patient’s condition in many overlapping areas, including not only medical issues by psychological and spiritual ones also, to perform treatments as ordered by attending physicians and to ask for clarification when a physician’s order does not make sense.
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Training Schools: 2 Year Nursing Programs in Utah
Ameritech College (Draper, UT)
12257 Business Park Drive Building 6 Suite 108
Draper, UT 84020
Phone: (801) 816-1444
Fax: (801) 816-1456
Toll Free: (800) 652-0907
The Ameritech College is among the best superior educational institutions that are NLNAC accredited and that can therefore issue Associate Degrees in Nursing for graduate students. These degrees are vital when it comes to getting a job as a registered nurse, and therefore should be regarded with a lot of seriousness. In addition, besides great courses and study programs, the Ameritech College provides as well financial aid programs for students that simply can’t afford to pay the tuition taxes on their own but still want to obtain a degree.
College of Eastern Utah (Price, UT)
451 East 400 North, Price, Utah 84501
Phone: 435-613-5000
The College of Eastern Utah can offer graduate students Associate Degrees in Nursing which are essential when it comes to finding a job as a registered nurse. In addition, besides the perfect combination between regular, traditional classes and practical training sessions, this college also offers students the possibility of transferring or studying abroad in order to experiment other nursing environments, as well. The college welcomes international students also, plus financial aid programs to those students that simply can’t afford to pay college tuition on their own, but still want to get their degree.
Dixie State College of Utah (St. George, UT)
225 S. 700 E. St. George, UT 84770
Phone: (435) 652-7500
There are multiple educational institutions that can offer you an Associate Degree in Nursing and the Dixie State College of Utah is one of them. In case you want to become a registered nurse in the future and work in the private or public healthcare system, you must necessarily get this degree, as this is critical in finding a job as a registered nurse. In order to be able to complete your studies at this college and pass the NCLEX exam at the end successfully, you can also apply for financial aid and for accommodation within the campus.
Everest College (Salt Lake City, UT)
3280 West 3500 South, Salt Lake City
UT 84119
Phone: (801) 840-4800
Everest College is one of the best educational institutions able to offer Associate Degrees in Nursing. The college has multiple nursing study programs from which students can choose whatever they’re interested in. Besides, this college also provides the opportunity of getting online degrees that worth the same as those awarded to students that attend courses regularly. In addition, the fact that this college also welcomes international students who want to work as registered nurses in the future creates a very pleasant and interesting environment for students here.
Provo College (Provo, UT)
1450 West 820 North
Provo, Utah 84601
Phone: 877-777-5886
Provo College offers students the possibility of choosing among numerous interesting and attractive study programs. However, some of the most highly regarded ones are the nursing courses at the end of which students are granted with Associate Degrees in Nursing that they can use later on in order to get hired as registered nurses. Besides, this college also offers financial aid to students who wish to get their degree, but who can’t afford to pay fess and tuitions on their own.
Salt Lake Community College (Salt Lake City, UT)
4600 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Phone: (801) 957-SLCC (957-7522)
The Salt Lake Community College offers graduate students the possibility to get their ADNs in order to be able to get hired as registered nurses in the future. This college is NLNAC accredited and therefore prepares students for the NCLEX final exam. It seems that it does it very well, as the pass rate for this exam here is of 82.0%. In addition, this college provides as well financial aid to students that can’t afford an education, but still want to graduate and work as registered nurses in the future. The financial aid comes in the form of scholarships, loans or grants.
Stevens-Henager College (Ogden, UT)
1890 South 1350 West
Ogden, UT 84401
Phone: (801) 392-1471
In order to get an Associate Degree in Nursing and then be able to work as registered nurses in public or private healthcare systems, students must graduate and NLNAC accredited college and then successfully pass the NCLEX exam. One of the NLNAC accredited institutions is the Stevens-Henager College that has a NCLEX exam pass rate of 92.0%. The nursing career path is greatly looked for, as the salaries in this area are very big.
Stevens-Henager College (Layton – Satellite of Ogden, UT)
1660 West Antelope Drive
Suite 115
Layton, UT 84041
Phone: (801) 525-8870
The Stevens-Henager College can offer its graduate students Associate Degrees in Nursing, which are essential for getting hired as registered nurses in the future. The nursing programs here are only taught by the best professors in the field, and are doubled by practical learning sessions. This college is NLNAC accredited, meaning that it can prepare students to take their NCLEX exam at the end and pass it successfully. In addition, the college also offers financial aid programs to students needing them, and accepts international students, also.
Utah Valley University (Orem, UT)
800 West University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058
Phone: (801) 863-INFO (4636)
The Utah Valley University is NLNAC accredited and has a pass rate of the NCLEX exam of 91.0%. This high percentage stands as evidence of the fact that only the best professors teach here. This exam is taken at the end of nursing classes by all graduates who wish to work as registered nurses in the future, and it can get graduates employed very easily, as it provides an ADN. In order to be able to get through classes, the college provides students with different financial aid programs, such as loans, scholarships and grants which they can use in case they don’t afford to pay for their education on their own.
Weber State University (Ogden, UT)
Ogden, Utah 84408-3903
Phone: (801) 626-6132
In order to get an Associate Degree in Nursing for working as a registered nurse in the future, students must necessarily attend the courses of a NLNAC accredited college and then take the NCLEX exam. The Weber State University is one of these accredited institutions that can issue these types of degrees. The pass rate of this exam here is of 90.0%, and this stands as evidence of the implication teachers have in the education of students. However, the greatest feature of this university is that it meets the needs of students that are already working or have families, as it doesn’t have strict timetables.