ADN Programs in New Hampshire
What nursing professions does the New Hampshire Board of Nursing Regulate?
The New Hampshire Board of Nursing has three nursing licenses, an advanced registered nurse practitioner license, a registered nurse license and a practical nurse license.
New Hampshire also has some certifications available to licensed practical nurses such as an IV certification and a medication administration certification
Can you become a registered nurse in New Hampshire with an ADN degree?
Yes. The New Hampshire Board of Nursing has recognized several ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) programs that qualify their graduates to apply for a registered nursing license in New Hampshire. These programs are scattered throughout the state of New Hampshire, from Berlin, New Hampshire to Laconia, New Hampshire, to Concord, New Hampshire to Nashua, New Hampshire and elsewhere.
After I complete a New Hampshire ADN program, what do I do to obtain my RN license?
Once you have finished your ADN program and received your Associate’s degree, the next step is to apply to the New Hampshire Board of Nursing for licensure by examination. As part of doing so, the New Hampshire Board of Nursing will require you to provide certified transcripts from your ADN program, and to give the New Hampshire Board of Nursing permission to perform a criminal background check. Once your application is approved, New Hampshire will allow you to register to take the national licensing examination for nurses, the NCLEX-RN. New Hampshire also permits you to apply for a temporary license lasting 120 days which allows you to practice as a nurse before you take the NCLEX-RN exam and receive your results.
What is the average salary of a registered nurse with an ADN in New Hampshire?
This question is not easy to answer, because ADN RN salaries in New Hampshire vary wildly between the more urban areas in the south that are closer to Massachusetts and Boston and the more sparsely populated areas in the north. What is certain is that all of the major urban centers in the south of New Hampshire, including Concord, Manchester, Nashua and Portsmouth, have average salaries for ADN RNs that are above the national average.
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Training Schools: 2 Year Nursing Programs in New Hampshire
Great Bay Community College (Stratham, NH)
277 Stratham Portsmouth Avenue
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: (603) 775-2215
There are over one thousand students enrolled in the Great Bay Community College, due to the fact that this educational institution is NLNAC accredited and has a pass rate of the NCLEX exam of 95.7%. Thus, in case you want to obtain an accredited ADN, this is the place for you. Besides regular classes taught only by the best professors, here you’ll also have the chance of practicing whatever you learn in order to be able to perform later on as a registered and professional nurse.
Lakes Region Community College (Laconia, NH)
379 Belmont Road
Laconia, New Hampshire, 03246
Phone: (603) 524-3207 x 721
The Lakes Region Community College is one of the best when it comes to the opportunities you can choose from for getting your Associates Degree in Nursing. Therefore, in case you want to have the chance of working only in the best healthcare institutions in the state, you must necessarily take into consideration this college. After graduating, you have the possibility of taking the NCLEX exam. The students that have studied in this institution and practices their skills here had a pass rate of 95.5%. You shouldn’t worry about the costs of your education, either, as this college offers financial aid in the form of grants, loans and scholarships to whoever needs it.
Manchester Community College (Manchester, NH)
Great Path, P.O. Box 1046
60 Bidwell Street Manchester CT 06040
Phone: (860) 512-3000
You can enroll at the Manchester Community College in order to get an ADN even if you’re a local or an international prospective student. For becoming a professional and registered nurse, you need this kind of degree and also the best skills and these can only be gained here. In case you think you can’t afford it, you should know that this college also offers financial aid and multiple scholarship opportunities. In addition, the college also has special programs for adults wanting to return to school.
Nashua Community College (Nashua, NH)
505 Amherst Street
Nashua, NH 03063
Phone: (603) 882-6923
In case you want to obtain an Associate Degree in Nursing, you should necessarily take into consideration the option of studying at the Nashua Community College. Here, you’ll only be taught by the best instructors and professors who have a real experience. In addition, you’ll also be able to practice your skills in order to get better prepared for the NCLEX exam at the end, which can get you to occupy a position as a registered nurse. However, one of the most interesting features of this college is that it offers not only full-time classes, but also part-time ones in which you can enroll in case you already have a job you don’t want to lose.
NHTI – Concord’s Community College (Concord, NH)
31 College Drive Concord
NH 03301-7412
Phone: 603-271-7707
In order to get an Associate Degree in Nursing degree, you have to follow a specialized study program which you can find at the NHTI – Concorde’s Community College, as well. You can enroll at the courses this college provides even if you’re an international student and even if you can’t really afford the costs of it, as the college offers financial aid to everyone needing it. This college is NLNAC accredited, feature that allows you at the end of your studies t take the NCLEX exam that can place you in a really great position as a registered nurse.
River Valley Community College (Claremont, NH)
1 College Drive
Claremont, NH 03743
Phone: (603) 542-7744 Ext: 5347
Fax: 603-543-1844
If you want to work as a registered nurse in the future, you should necessarily try enrolling in the courses that River Valley Community College provides. This educational institution is able to offer you and ADN at the end of your studies that will guarantee you a great position in any of the healthcare centers in the country. Here, you can find programs which you can complete in even just one year and within which you can also practice your skills.
River Valley Community College (Keene, NH)
438 Washington Street Keene
New Hampshire 03431
Phone: (603) 357-2142
Fax: (603) 357-0408
The River Valley Community College is a small superior education institution that’s able to grant its students immediately after they graduate an Associate Degree in Nursing. ADNs can be very useful when it comes to working as a registered nurse, as they stand as evidence of the student’s professionalism. Despite its size, this college is able to allow an individualized attention to each one of its students, which can come in handy for those having trouble in understanding certain things.
Rivier College (Nashua, NH)
420 South Main Street
Nashua, NH 03060
1.800.44. RIVIER
Phone: (603) 888-1311
The Rivier College is able to offer interested students two to four year education programs that at the end can get them an Associate Degree in Nursing. These degrees are necessary when it comes to finding a job as a registered nurse, and therefore they must be obtained. This college has a 30 years experience in this field and only the best professors. Besides receiving individual attention here, students can also practice their skills in real situations.
St. Joseph School of Nursing (Nashua, NH)
5 Woodward Avenue
Nashua, NH 03060
Phone: 603-594-2567
In case you want to get your ADN in order to practice as a registered nurse, you should enroll in the specialized study program that St. Joseph School of Nursing offers. Besides theoretical courses, this college also offers 90 hours of clinical instruction within which you can practice whatever you have learned and thus improve your skills in order to be better prepared for the job of registered nurse. In addition, you shouldn’t worry about the tuition fees, as this school offers financial aid, as well.
White Mountains Community College (Berlin, NH)
2020 Riverside Drive Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: (603) 752-1113
Among the 80 degree programs that the White Mountains Community College offers is that grating at the end of one’s studies an ADN. This degree is a must when it comes to getting a job as a registered, professional nurse, and therefore in case this is your life’s goal, you should necessary enroll in these courses. This college is also NLNAC accredited and offers you the chance of taking the NCLEX exam at the end of your studies. Students studying here have passed it two years ago with a percentage of 80.5%.
White Mountains Community College (Conway, NH)
# 150-114 53 Technology Lane, Conway, NH 03818
Phone: (603) 447-3496
The White Mountains Community College is NLNAC accredited and can get you the ADN degree that you have always dreamed of. Therefore, in case you want to become a registered nurse and only work in one of the most prestigious healthcare centers in the country, this is the educational institution in which to enroll. In addition, even if you can’t afford the tuitions here, you might qualify for a financial aid and still be able to complete your studies.
White Mountains Community College (Littleton, NH)
646 Union St, Littleton
NH 03561-5355
Phone: (603) 444-1326
An Associate Degree in Nursing degree is vital in case you want to work as a registered nurse. Among the multiple institutions that can grant you this degree at the end of your studies is the White Mountains Community College. Here, besides theoretical courses, you also have the chance of practicing whatever you learn and therefore improve your skills. In addition, you can benefit from financial aid, in case you qualify for it.
White Mountains Community College (Woodsville, NH)
7 High St, Woodsville
NH 03785
Phone: (603) 747-2565
The White Mountains Community College is able to get you the ADN degree you have always wanted, but only if you work hard for it and take the NCLEX exam successfully. Regardless of the state in which you want to practice, the degree issued by this superior educational institution is valid anywhere. In addition, in case you think you can’t afford to study here you have to know that financial aid helps can aid you fulfill your dream.