ADN Programs in Montana
Why Consider a Career in Nursing in Montana?
Although you might not expect it in a state as sparsely populated as Montana, one of the most chronic shortages in the state’s health care system is a shortage of registered nurses.
This shortage exists simply because the state is sparsely populated enough that it is not producing “home-grown” registered nurses at a rate sufficient to meet the demand, and so is eager to recruit registered nurses from other states. Registered nurses are needed not only in the population centers in Montana, such as Billings and Missoula, but in many of the rural regions as well. The rural regions encompass the over approximately one-third of the state of Montana covered by the Rocky Mountains, which includes portions of Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park and the site of the Battle of Little Bighorn, where Custer and his troops were annihilated by the combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians. If you like the wide open spaces and an active outdoor life as well as the field of nursing, then Montana is definitely the nursing state for you.
Are ADN Programs Leading to an RN License Approved in Montana?
Yes. An ADN (Associate’s Degree in Nursing) program is a two to three year program usually offered at a community college designed to provide you with the foundation which you need in order to pass the national licensing exam for registered nurses and become a registered nurse. A Montana approved two to three year ADN program will provide you with a solid background in the health sciences, biology and particularly nursing that you will need in order to be successful in your chosen field. Montana recognizes several ADN programs within its borders.
What is the Average Salary of an ADN RN in Montana?
The average annual salary of a registered nurse with an ADN in Montana is $56,790, while the average hourly wage is $27.82. By comparison, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual salary nationwide for registered nurses is $67,720, while the average hourly wage is $32.56. Nurses with ADN degrees that are new to the field in Montana can expect normally to receive less than the average RN ADN salary and then, as they gain experience, their salary will increase. Nationwide, the starting salary for a registered nurse ranges from $28,000 to $50,000, while the average starting wage ranges from $16.50 to $26.00 per hour.
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Training Schools: 2 Year Nursing Programs in Montana
Miles Community College (Miles City, MT)
2715 Dickinson Street
Miles City, MT 59301
Phone: (800) 541-9281, (406) 874-6100
Fax: (406) 874-6282
The Miles Community College is one of the best ones you could choose for getting an ADN at the end of your studies. As Associate Degrees in Nursing are a must for everyone who wants to become a professional caregiver in the future, you could start putting the foundation of your career by attending this college which is NLNAC accredited. After graduating, you can take the NCLEX exam that here has a pass rate of 85.7%. Current students study in classes ranging from 8 to 50 people, and 85% of them even qualifies for financial aid.
Montana State University-Billings (Billings, MT)
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101
Phone: 406.657.2011, 800.565.6782
The Montana State University at the Billings campus is a two year college that is able to offer you some of the best ADN study programs. This university also provides transfer opportunities and has different interesting partnerships with other programs. In addition, at the end of your studies here, you have the opportunity of working as a professional, as the offered training within the study programs is greatly appreciated. In fact, the NCLEX exam pass rate for this university is of 66.7%.
Montana State University-Northern (Great Falls, MT)
P.O. Box 7751
Havre, MT 59501
Phone: 800.662.6132
The Montana State University-Northern offers great nursing programs at the end of which you can get an ADN. In addition, if you’re an LPN, you can apply for the advanced nursing courses and thus shorten your program of study by about 12 semester credits. Another thing you should know about this program is that after the completion of it, you’re eligible to take the NCLEX exam which you’ll surely pass gracefully, as the NCLEX pass rate for this college is of 87.00%.
Montana State University-Northern (Havre, MT)
P.O. Box 7751
Havre, MT 59501-7751
Tel: (406) 265-4196
In case you want to get an ADN, the Montana State University Northern is the best place in which to enroll. It offers great nursing study programs and a few other interesting programs, as well. In addition, after graduating, you can take the NCLEX exam that’s passed successfully by about 88.4% of the students here every year. Moreover, after graduating, you’ll also have the chance of working in professional environments as a specialist.
Montana State University-Northern (Lewistown, MT)
P.O. Box 1144
Lewistown, MT 59457
Tel: (406) 535-5575 x13
The Montana State University-Northern is one of the best ones when it comes to providing accredited ADNs as soon after graduation. In case you want to become a specialist in nursing, this is the university you should choose for setting the foundation of your future career as a prime caregiver. This university is NLNAC accredited and offers you the chance of taking the NCLEX specialty exam at the end of your studies which most student here usually take successfully. In addition, you have to know that all classes here are innovatively scheduled in order to meet the needs of adult learners through the means of the internet. Therefore, the university also offers the possibility of attending classes without you having to leave your job or residence.
Montana Tech of the University of Montana (Butte, MT)
1300 W. Park Street
Butte, MT 59701
Phone: 1-800-445-TECH
Montana Tech of the University of Montana is one of the prominent institutions in the Treasure State that offers an accredited associate degree in nursing. Therefore, in case you’re thinking of becoming a registered nurse (RN) and working in a professional environment, this school can provide the training required. Besides regular classes, this university also offers the possibility of practicing what you learn by organizing academic activities outside the classrooms. In addition, students here can benefit from financial aid and they can study online, as well.
Salish Kootenai College (Pablo, MT)
PO Box 70
Pablo, MT 59855
Phone: 406-275-4800
The nursing department of the Salish Kootenai College is able to offer everyone interested an ADN at the end of their studies. In order to apply here, all you need to do is to submit an online application and the just send the required documents. In addition, you can also apply as a pre-nursing student and therefore shorten the time you have to study here. After you complete your studies here, you can take the NCLEX exam that here has a pass rate of 77.7% which shows just how well-prepared the staff preparing the students is.
University of Montana – College of Technology (Missoula) (Missoula, MT)
909 South Avenue West
Missoula MT 59801
Admissions: 406-243-7882 / 800-542-6882
Financial Aid: 406-243-7886
Registrar: 406-243-7887
FAX: 406-243-7899
The College of Technology from the University of Montana provides numerous interesting study programs for every taste. However, in case you want to become a registered nurse, this is the college to attend, as at the end of your studies you can get from here an accredited ADN. You can also qualify for a financial aid, as there are many programs in this sense, including grants, scholarships and loans. After graduating here, you can also qualify for taking the NCLEX exam which students here regularly promote quite successfully. As the courses of this college can put the foundations of your future career as a professional caregiver, this is the place to choose.
University of Montana – Helena College of Technology (Helena, MT)
1115 North Roberts Street
Helena MT 59601
Phone: (406) 444-6800
The Helena College of Technology from the University of Montana offers interested students the possibility of getting an ADN at the end of their studies. Therefore, in case you’re interested in becoming a registered professional nurse, this is the college to choose as a launching stand. Moreover, besides being great at offering nursing courses, this college is also able to provide financial aid in case you need it, under the form of loans, grants and scholarships. In addition, in case you want to, you can also study online, as this college offers online classes, too.