ADN Programs in Michigan
What is an ADN in Michigan?
ADN stands for an Associate Degree Nursing. Associates nursing degree programs in Michigan take approximately two to three years to complete, although you may be required to take certain basic courses before you will be accepted into one of Michigan’s ADN programs.
In Michigan, the ADN programs are offered in a number of settings, including both rural and urban junior and community colleges. At the conclusion of an ADN course of study approved by Michigan, you will qualify to take the national licensing exam for registered nurses and also meet other qualifications set forth by the Michigan Board of Nursing so that you can begin your career as a registered nurse (RN).
What types of financial aid might be available to Michigan ADN Students?
The sources of financial aid available students in all academic programs are also available for students in ADN programs: federal grants, student loans and general education grants from either the school being attended or the State of Michigan. In addition, there are financial aid programs specifically targeted for Michigan ADN students. One of these is the Michigan Nursing Scholarship, which is state-funded and school-administered. The Michigan Nursing Scholarship is a service based grant; in other words, for every year an ADN student is granted financial assistance, he or she will be required to work in a health care facility designated by the State of Michigan.
If I get certified in Michigan as an RN with an ADN degree, will I be able to get a job?
Michigan is a state that definitely needs RN’s. While most people think of the urban centers in Michigan such as Detroit and Flint being the places where nurses are needed most, there are many other locations in small cities, towns and rural areas where registered nurses with ADN’s are needed as well. Many ADN registered nurses overlook the possibilities inherent in being employed in Michigan settings outside of hospital settings, such as in home health care or in a nursing home. Whatever your preference, Michigan will have a location for you.
Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) Training Schools: 2 Year Nursing Programs in Michigan
Alpena Community College
665 Johnson St.
Alpena, MI 49707-1495
The Level 1 in Associate Degree in Nursing at Alpena Community College lasts 2 semesters, the total number of hours being 45. Both the spring and fall semesters allow the admittance of 16 students. After completing the first level, 30 of the students will pass into the second level of the program. Level 2 includes 30 students in each semester.
Baker College (Cadillac)
9600 East 13th Street
Cadillac, MI 49601
231-876-3100, (888) 313-3463
The NLN-AC and the Board of Nursing from Michigan have approved and accredited the Associate Degree in Nursing from Baker College. This means that the students who want to become registered nurses can find at Baker College professional and experienced teachers and advanced laboratories and devices. All these will help them pass successfully the licensure examination at the end of the program.
Baker College (Clinton Township)
34401 South Gratiot Avenue
Clinton Township, MI 48035
(586) 791-3000, (888) 272-2842
The ADN program offered by the Baker College in Clinton Township will enable the students embrace a healing and caring profession. The entire program is going to help them learn about human psychology, physiology and anatomy and about the nursing fundamentals. Moreover, the future registered nurses will become problem solvers and critical thinkers. These are 2 essential characteristics of a nurse.
Baker College (Flint)
1050 West Bristol Road
Flint, MI 48507
(801) 766-4000, (800) 964-4299
The Baker College located in Flint, Michigan, features a comprehensive Associate Degree in Nursing Program. This course helps the Licensed Practical Nurses become Registered Nurses. Thanks to the professional staff and teachers and the endowed laboratories, the students are going to develop their analytical skills, critical thinking and knowledge in the nursing area.
Baker College (Muskegon)
1903 Marquette Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442
231-777-5200, 800-937-0337
The ADN program at Baker College, Muskegon was approved by the Board of Nursing in Michigan. The future students are going to take part in a form of culturally – diverse learning. They will actively participate in the seminars and courses and they’re going to analyze the ethical and moral dimensions of working in the health care system.
Baker College (Owosso)
1020 South Washington Street
Owosso, MI 48867
(989) 729-3350, (800) 879-3797
The Baker College branch situated in Owosso has prepared professionals in ADN for many years. The students willing to follow this program will learn in modern clinical settings and classrooms and will practice the profession through culturally diverse, participatory and active learning. Every graduate who has completed the program can take its licensure exam. Note that course has limited enrollment.
Bay de Noc Community College
Bay College Main, 2001 N Lincoln Road
Escanaba, MI 49829
906-786-5802, 800-221-2001
Both the NLNAC and the Board of Nursing in Michigan have accredited and approved the Associate Degree in Nursing program offered by Bay de Noc Community College. During this program, the students will follow courses like Safety in Health Occupations, Medical Vocabulary, Medical Terminology, Dosage Calculation or Nutrition. Additionally they will benefit from a brand new and advanced Simulation Lab.
Delta College
1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710
(989) 686-9000
Delta College’s mission is to prepare qualified nurses that will work in the challenging health care environment. The Associate Degree in Nursing Program offered by this college lasts four semesters and starts in the winter and fall semesters. The courses will be held up to four days weekly. There is also the part time option that lasts one year. For this track the admission is made in the fall semester.
Glen Oaks Community College
62249 Shimmel Road
Centreville MI 49032
(269) 467-9945, 1-888-994-7818
The ADN program hosted by Glen Oaks Community College was established in 1967 and it received the approval in 1984. It consists of 2 levels and provides all the educational needs for those who want to embrace the nursing profession. In order to be admitted to this program you must pass the nursing prerequisite (chemistry, biology, algebra, English composition), have a clean criminal background, submit the application form and have an interview with the Nursing Director.
Gogebic Community College
E-4946 Jackson Road
Ironwood, MI 49938
906.932.4231, 800.682.5910
Graduating from an Associate Degree in Nursing Program at Gogebic Community College can bring you a lot of employment opportunities. The graduates can work in community agencies, outpatient and clinical settings, long-term care facilities and hospitals. To be accepted in this program, you have to have a grade point of more than 2.8, submit an application form and you must have a practical nurse license.
Grand Rapids Community College
143 Bostwick Avenue NE
Grand Rapids MI 49503-3295
616-234-4000 (Information Office)
Those interested in enrolling in the Associate Degree in Nursing program at Grand Rapids Community College can apply online. All the candidates are required to permit a criminal background check. This is mandatory and eliminatory. Those who are not accepted in the first round will be included on the waiting list.
Henry Ford Community College
5101 Evergreen Rd.
Dearborn, MI 48128
Henry Ford Community College features an Associate Degree in Nursing offered in the fall and winter semesters during the day. For this program there are no available courses in the weekends and evenings and not even online. The students can apply for HFCC scholarship and they can even obtain a financial add to pay for their tuition.
ITT Technical Institute
1905 S Haggerty Road
Canton, MI 48188-2025
734-397-7800, 800-247-4477
Following the ADN program at the ITT Technical Institute means that you’ll get full grasp of the competent nursing care, therapeutic communication skills, nursing roles, health maintenance and promotion, nursing process and nursing values. After graduating from this program you can take the licensure and NCLEX examination and become a registered nurse.
Jackson Community College
2111 Emmons Road
Jackson, MI 49201
517.787.0800, 517.796.8631 (Fax)
The Associate Degree in Nursing featured by Jackson Community College offers numerous options for the nursing professionals. In order to be accepted in this program, you must first get in touch with an advisor who will plan your prerequisite courses. You also need to pay an application fee of $50. After that you must take the admission tests which are highly competitive. You should know that even if passing the exams, the admission is not guaranteed.
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
6767 West O Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-4070
The nursing courses offered by Kalamazoo Valley Community College last 2 years, four semesters. The first and fourth semesters must be completed on a full time schedule. The second and third semesters can be carried out on a half time schedule. An approximate cost of the ADN program is $9,426.50 if followed in district. If followed out of state, the course can cost $16,562.00.
Kellogg Community College
405 Hill Brady Road
Battle Creek, MI 49015
The students enrolled in the ADN program provided by Kellogg Community College will follow courses like The Nature of Nursing, Family Processes, Pharmacology Application and Management in Nursing. This program is also available online for the individuals that don’t have enough time to follow a full time schedule. There are also a few open entry classes that will help you become familiar with the college and pace of learning.
Kirtland Community College
10775 N. St. Helen Road
Roscommon, MI 48653
(989) 275-5000
Kirtland Community College offers an ADN program for Level I and II. This program can be completed both part time and full time. The students will do their practice in real care facilities and will have the chance to work with real patients. The cost for the four semesters of learning is $12,438.25.
Lake Michigan College
2755 E. Napier Ave.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
1 (800) 252-1562, (269) 927-8100
There are four simple steps that you need to carry out in order to enroll in the Associate Degree in Nursing courses supplied by Lake Michigan College. First of all, you have to complete and submit the online application. Second of all, you must take the assessment that is going to measure your mathematics, writing and reading skills. Thirdly, you’ll set up a meeting with an advisor and finally you will have to sign up for your classes and pay a part of your tuition.
Lansing Community College
P.O. Box 40010
Lansing, MI 48901-7210
(517) 483-1957, (800) 644-4522
The Lansing Community College and its Associate Degree in Nursing courses are accredited by NLNAC. After graduating from this program you will have a lot of opportunities and career options. All the courses included in this program have online versions as well as hybrid lessons. The hybrid courses mix the regular classes with the online courses.
Macomb Community College (Clinton Township)
44575 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI 48038-1139
The ADN (Associate Degree Nursing) featured by Macomb Community College offers a curriculum of up to 70 credit hours. The graduates will be entry level nurses, but they can also take the licensure exam to become registered nurses. So as to apply for this program you need to take admission tests and the prerequisite courses and also to submit an application form.
Michigan Community College
222 N. Chestnut St.
Lansing, MI 48933-1000
(517) 372-4350, (517) 372-0905 (Fax)
The ADN course provided by Michigan Community College is an associate level. The discipline area is Health Occupations and Nursing. The course can be taken both offline and online. A student needs minimum 24 credits in order to pass this course. After the program is completed, the graduates are eligible to take the licensure exam. If they obtain passing scores, they can get the Registered Nurse diploma.
Mid Michigan Community College
MMCC 1375 S. Clare Ave.
Harrison, MI 48625
(989) 386-6622
The MMCC Associate Degree in Nursing is a program that prepares the students for a future career as Registered Nurse. The students following this program can apply for various scholarships that can help them with their tuition. The most remarkable scholarship is Hilda and Kenneth Schmeck Memorial Nursing and it values $500.00. Only the students from Midland, Isabella, Gladwin and Clare County can apply for this scholarship.
Monroe County Community College
1555 S. Raisinville Rd.
Monroe, MI 48161
(734) 242-7300
Monroe County Community College provides an Associate Degree in Nursing program that’s accredited by the “National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission”. The program requires 73 credit hours and it costs approximately $12,328.16 for the residents of Monroe County, $18,626.76 for those who aren’t residents of the county and $20,344.56 for those who aren’t residents of the state.
Montcalm Community College
2800 College Drive
Sidney, Michigan 48885-9723
(989) 328-2111
In order to apply for the ADN program offered by Montcalm Community College, the future students must have a Pre-Nursing Certificate with passing credits for subjects like Computer Literacy, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Laboratory Science. Also, so as to complete the program, the students must get a minimum of C+ for every course.
Mott Community College
1401 East Court St.
Flint, MI 48503
The Associate Degree in Nursing program at Mott Community College requires 67 credit hours and 121 contact hours to be completed. In order to be accepted in this program, one must have remarkable grades for subjects like biology, mathematics and English and must pass the pre-requisites. Moreover, the applicants should have a clean criminal background.
Muskegon Community College
221 S. Quarterline Road
Muskegon, MI 49442
(231) 773-9131, (866) 711-4622 (Toll Free)
The Associate Degree in Nursing at Muskegon Community College is oriented towards teaching the elementary skills and values for becoming a Registered Nurse. In order to be admitted in this program, the future students must have a proper high school preparation including English, Computer, Math, Chemistry and Biology. Also, they must pass the prerequisites courses and have a criminal background check.
North Central Michigan College
1515 Howard Street
Petoskey, MI 49770
(888) 298-6605
The applicants for the program called Associate Degree in Nursing must pass the TEAS test in order to be accepted. Once admitted, these students have the opportunity to apply for various scholarships offered by Johnson and Johnson, Minority Nursing and Michigan Leagues for Nursing. There are also the North Central Scholarships. For these, the application deadline is May 15th.
Northwestern Michigan College
1701 E. Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686
800.748.0566, 231.995.1000
The students who graduate from the Northwestern Michigan College ADN can work in locations like nursing care facilities, surgical and general medical hospitals, offices of physicians and health care services. To get there, the students must complete 116 contacts hours and 72 credit hours. The admission is very competitive, so the applicants must obtain a good score. The maximum possible is 36.
Schoolcraft College
18600 Haggerty Road
Livonia, MI 48152
(734) 462-4400
The applicants for the ADN program supplied by Schoolcraft College must be healers, educators and advocates. They should also have a patient – first attitude. The 74 credit program lasts four semesters and also includes an optional summer session and a spring session. The curriculum also includes 47 credit hours of prerequisite courses.
Southwestern Michigan College
58900 Cherry Grove Road
Dowagiac, Michigan
(800) 456-8675
The 76 credit hours ADN program at Southwestern Michigan College allows the students to become Registered Nurses. This curriculum encompasses numerous certificate programs and offers a wide range of opportunities. The Associate Degree in Nursing program is available in both spring and fall semesters. The students can also opt for part-time or full-time plans.
Washtenaw Community College
4800 East Huron River Dr
Ann Arbor MI 48105-4800
Washtenaw Community College offers a nursing program called Associate Degree in Nursing. The program lasts five semesters and it requires a minimum of 72 credit hours for completion. The major study areas will be Healthcare Terminology and Physiology and Anatomy. This program is accredited by NLNAC and allows all the graduates to take a licensure examination.
Wayne County Community College District
801 W. Fort Street
Detroit MI 48226
So as to become a student at Wayne County Community College District, the applicants must fulfill deadlines for the admission requirements, must submit letters of recommendation, should have the optimum test scores and also have to prove previous academic performance. The ADN program lasts four semesters and includes prerequisite courses.
West Shore Community College
3000 N. Stiles Rd.
Scottville, MI 49454
(231) 845-6211
The individuals enrolled in the ADN program at West Shore Community College can become either Registered Nurses or Practical Nurses. This 2 – year program requires 67 credits to be completed. Before commencing the classes, all the ADN students must pass the criminal background checks. The persons with misdemeanors and felonies cannot be accepted to this course.